I am sworn brother, sweet, to grim necessity, and he and I will keep a league till death

I am sworn brother, sweet, to grim necessity, and he and I will keep a league till death
The quote “I am sworn brother, sweet, to grim necessity, and he and I will keep a league till death” is from William Shakespeare’s play King John. In this line, the character Philip Faulconbridge, also known as the Bastard, declares his loyalty to the concept of necessity, which he personifies as a grim and unyielding force. The Bastard’s declaration reflects his pragmatic and realistic view of the world, as well as his willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goals.The character of the Bastard is one of the most memorable in King John, known for his wit, intelligence, and loyalty to King John. Despite his illegitimate status, the Bastard proves himself to be a formidable and loyal ally to the king, willing to fight and even die for his cause. The quote in question reveals the Bastard’s acceptance of the harsh realities of life and his determination to face them head-on.