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I asked my wife, 'Is there somebody else?' She said, 'There MUST be.'

I asked my wife, 'Is there somebody else?' She said, 'There MUST be.' Picture Quote #1

I asked my wife, 'Is there somebody else?' She said, 'There MUST be.'

Rodney Dangerfield was known for his self-deprecating humor and quick wit, often poking fun at his own insecurities and shortcomings. His iconic catchphrase, "I don't get no respect," became a staple of his comedy routine and endeared him to audiences around the world. In the context of the quote, "I asked my wife, 'Is there somebody else?' She said, 'There MUST be,'" one can imagine Dangerfield delivering this line with his trademark deadpan delivery and exaggerated facial expressions.

The humor in this quote lies in the assumption that Dangerfield's wife must be seeing someone else because he is so lacking in charm, attractiveness, or any other quality that would make him a desirable partner. This kind of self-deprecating humor was a hallmark of Dangerfield's comedy, as he often portrayed himself as a bumbling, hapless character who could never catch a break.
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