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I Believe Quotes

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I believe when actors say they can go crazy playing the same role, over and over again  (I Believe Quotes) I believe marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman  (I Believe Quotes) I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage  (I Believe Quotes) I believe if we can wait long enough that every honorable sorrow will become a kind of joy  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the public schools are the greatest cultural influence in this country  (I Believe Quotes) Creative people are often considered crazy but I believe crazy can be a good thing  (I Believe Quotes) We shall not, I believe, be obliged to alter our policy of watchful waiting  (I Believe Quotes) I believe everyone here has a right to speak out on politics as effectively as possible  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that most humans have within them the capacity to commit murder  (I Believe Quotes) I believe people have to be open to what’s happening when they’re alive  (I Believe Quotes) I believed in myself and I am a firm believer you have to think the things you want and visualize  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown  (I Believe Quotes) If I were human I believe my response would be “go to hell” - if I were human  (I Believe Quotes) I don’t believe that there are aliens. I believe there are really different people  (I Believe Quotes) Basically, though, I believe in eating well, not eating too much but eating a variety of foods  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in nothing, everything is sacred. I believe in everything, nothing is sacred  (I Believe Quotes) Historically, I believe I was correct in refusing to answer their questions  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that a man is the strongest soldier for daring to die unarmed  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that we should die with decency so that at least decency will survive  (I Believe Quotes) I believe all religions are becoming obsolete, clinging to ancient concepts  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that one of life’s greatest risks is never daring to risk  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in animal rights, and high among them is the right to the gentle stroke of a human hand  (I Believe Quotes) When I believe in nothing I do not want to meet you when you believe in nothing  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles  (I Believe Quotes) I always tell what I believe. Whether it’s true, I’m no more sure than any man  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the common denominator of the universe is not harmony; but chaos, hostility and murder  (I Believe Quotes) An immense percentage of snobs, I believe, is to be found in every rank of this mortal life  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in second chances, but I don’t believe in third or fourth chances  (I Believe Quotes) I believe we owe our young an education that captures the exhilarating drama of science  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that anything can be for men or women. I mean, I’ve worn a lace dress before!  (I Believe Quotes)
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