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I Believe Quotes

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We are running ourselves into a damaged earth. But I am optimistic. I believe that we can change; we must change. As a human race, we are very young and quite primitive. The sooner we learn the greatness of humanity the better off we will all be  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that historians and analysts of historical events need the authority of facts supplied by living witnesses to the events, which they make their subject  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in just enriching the economy. And we’re leaving so much on the table, 72 percent of the planet  (I Believe Quotes) I don’t know that I believe in the supernatural, but I do believe in miracles, and our time together was filled with the events of magical unlikelihood  (I Believe Quotes) At some point in our lives there’s something about every one of us that makes us feel like an outsider, I believe  (I Believe Quotes) There is a strong tendency in explanatory prose to invoke quantities of tension, energy, and whatnot to explain the genesis of pattern. I believe that all such explanations are inappropriate or wrong  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that if ever I had to practice cannibalism, I might manage if there were enough tarragon around  (I Believe Quotes) I believe if a private citizen is able to affect public opinion in a constructive way he doesn’t have to be an elected public servant to perform a public service  (I Believe Quotes) I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs  (I Believe Quotes) I’m pretty upfront about my love and admiration for the military. One of the perks of making movies is that you get to sort of follow your own passions, and I believe quite passionately that we don’t pay enough attention and respect to our veterans. Not just our wounded veterans, but all veterans  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that being an actress or being involved in a movie has to be a life experience, otherwise why go for it? I have to change me, and I have to learn things, and I have to push me and my limits. By acting, I find a freedom inside of a prison in a way  (I Believe Quotes) Even though mother’s issues are not front page news, they touch us all personally, some more than others, and I believe passionately in the power of grassroots engagement  (I Believe Quotes) One of the things that I think is such a constant in country music is that the song is so much a story. I believe it is supposed to be based around a story  (I Believe Quotes) I believe there is a moral sense and a global ethic that commands attention from people of every religion and every faith, and people of no faith. But I think what’s new is that we now have the capacity to communicate instantaneously across frontiers right across the world  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in feeling connected. Love is something that grows, that comes from nourishment; it builds. But there is a great feeling that happens, that is telling you, I don’t want to leave this room!  (I Believe Quotes) For I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to understand. For I believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand  (I Believe Quotes) The script will point you in certain directions and I go the opposite if I can. I try do do one thing and tell a different story with my eyes. I believe what’s more interesting is always what’s not being said  (I Believe Quotes) I will always have a career. I believe in working. I don’t believe that taking care of your house and children is enough for a woman. You don’t feel complete  (I Believe Quotes) I am trying to make art that relates to the deepest and most mythic concerns of human kind and I believe that, at this moment of history, feminism is humanism  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the only measure of government response shouldn’t be how much we spend on a situation, but rather how well we spend  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the accepted model of capitalism that demands endless growth deserves the blame for the destruction of nature, and it should be displaced. Failing that, I try to work with those companies and help them change the way they think about our resources  (I Believe Quotes) I believe there are more urgent and honorable occupations than the incomparable waste of time we call suffering  (I Believe Quotes) I stand up for what I believe. I don’t know if it’s always paid off for me, because I’ve been ridiculed and humiliated  (I Believe Quotes) However fragmented the world, however intense the national rivalries, it is an inexorable fact that we become more interdependent every day. I believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence. The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat  (I Believe Quotes) I’ll continue to fight for school choice and home schooling. Do I believe in accountability? You bet I do  (I Believe Quotes) I’ve always wanted to be my own person and stand by the things I believe in and I thought I might lose that independence if I ran for political office  (I Believe Quotes) First of all, I always see the sun! The way I want to identify myself and others is with halos here and there halos, movements of color. And that, I believe, is rhythm  (I Believe Quotes) I say it is indispensable to look ahead of and behind oneself in the present. If there is such a thing as tradition, and I believe there is, it can only exist in the sense of the most profound movements of culture  (I Believe Quotes) I’m going to keep making films I believe in. Whether I am successful or not is besides the point  (I Believe Quotes) Simply put, I believe we should not seek the lowest common denominator when it comes to wilderness and saddle a wilderness designation with exceptions, exclusions, and exemptions  (I Believe Quotes)
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