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I Believe Quotes

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I still don’t know if things fit together, or if everything will be all right in the end. But I believe that something means something. I believe in cleansing the soul through fun and games. I also believe in love. And I have several good friends, and just one bad one  (I Believe Quotes) ... I believe that once you find something you love, something that works, why keep looking for more? People always think there is something better around the corner. I decided a long time ago I’d stop wasting my time looking for something better and enjoy what I had  (I Believe Quotes) Now that he’s gone, I feel like I’m a senior citizen who gave away her life savings over the phone. And this is the crux: I never in my life believed in someone as much as I believed in him. The shame is overwhelming  (I Believe Quotes) What kind of world does one see when one experiences it from the point of view of two and not one? What is the world like when it is experienced, developed and lived from the point of view of difference and not identity? That is what I believe love to be  (I Believe Quotes) I believe there is something on this earth that you desire more than anything, and it isn’t me  (I Believe Quotes) Hope. It is the most important thing in the world. I believe that now more than ever. Hope is what saved my life, hope is what gave me the courage and the strength to carry on. Hope – that unshakeable, golden belief that things can get better  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that the place where an animal dies is a sacred one. There is a need to bring ritual into the conventional slaughter plants and use as a means to shape people’s behavior. It would help prevent people from becoming numbed, callous, or cruel. The ritual could be something very simple, such as a moment of silence. In addition to developing better designs and making equipment to insure the humane treatments of all animals, that would be my contribution  (I Believe Quotes) I believe it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you can find something concrete to keep you busy while you are living your meaningless life  (I Believe Quotes) I learned that there were two ways I could live my life: following my dreams or doing something else. Dreams aren’t a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. When I dream, I believe I am rehearsing my future  (I Believe Quotes) I don’t fear death because I believe it is a transition. Our souls can’t be destroyed. I know we are going to live in another life  (I Believe Quotes) I believe we are on the edge of a quantum leap into a whole new way of organizing and living as a human family  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that peace is not merely an absence of war but the nurture of human life, and that in time this nurture would do away with war as a natural process  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal  (I Believe Quotes) Can we make a better world for our children? I believe we can, if enough people are concerned and get involved in changing what is wrong with society  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that you are only in control of so much. So whatever you are not in control of you can’t worry about  (I Believe Quotes) I am an advocate for awareness, the truth, and a person’s right to know. I believe that in the absence of the truth, all of us stand helpless to defend ourselves, our families and our health, which is the greatest gift we have  (I Believe Quotes) I believe this passionately: that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it  (I Believe Quotes) It is inconceivable that, in the richest nation in the world, we have 30 million people at risk of hunger. I believe that, if we truly make a commitment as a nation, we can defeat hunger  (I Believe Quotes) I believe animals should be respected as citizens of this earth. They should have the right to their own freedom, their own families, and their own life  (I Believe Quotes) The methods used to take human lives, such as abortion, the pill, the ring, etc., amounts to genocide. I believe that legal abortion is legal murder  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that the thought that women together can change the world is emerging into the minds and hearts of many of us, and that the vessel for personal and planetary evolution is the circle with a spiritual center  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that if you don’t derive a deep sense of purpose from what you do, if you don’t come radiantly alive several times a day, if you don’t feel deeply grateful at the tremendous good fortune that has been bestowed on you, then you are wasting your life. And life is too short to waste  (I Believe Quotes) You’ve got to believe you can win. But I believe respect for the fact that you can lose is what you always have to keep in mind so that nothing suprises you  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that we’re all connected to each other with an invisible spiritual thread through which we can transmit energy emissions and positive thinking. I want you to use your visualization techniques  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that in a good collaboration, the authors bring their strengths to the story; one author’s strength cancels the other author’s weakness, and back and forth it goes  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that if you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you will hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience. This is the sure way to win victories over inner defeat. It is the way a humble person meets life or death  (I Believe Quotes) Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that coaches and athletes should realize that the athletic department field, court or diamond can be made an extension of the classroom, a place where you and your teammates are learning more than just how to prepare to win. The field, the court, and the diamond should be places where athletes are constantly learning about the game in which they participate, about their coaches and teammates, and perhaps most importantly, about themselves  (I Believe Quotes) Believe me, I would much rather get three outs on three pitches than three outs on nine pitches, because that’s going to make me that much stronger at the end of the game. My pitching philosophy is simpe. I believe in getting the ball over the plate and not walking a lot of men  (I Believe Quotes) I write to tell stories. I believe that there a some professions in the world that will last forever: doctor or a nurse, teacher, builder and a storyteller. I write also to become myself, more so day by day. Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world  (I Believe Quotes)
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