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I Believe Quotes

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I believe that companies, doing business in a responsible and sustainable way, can help raise the quality of life and standards of living in some of the poorest parts of the world  (I Believe Quotes) As the world becomes more environmentally aware, I believe that we must as individuals recognize the magnificence of our natural world, and feel a sense of accountability for our actions which affect it  (I Believe Quotes) I think we are part of the earth. The concept of the rainforest being the womb of life is something I believe in... the value system must get back to the environment as it was originally, the magnificence from where we emerged  (I Believe Quotes) Although one never really knows what one’s associates think of one deep down, I believe I was easy to work with, even though I have the reputation of being authoritative. Still, I’ve always delegated responsibility and authority to other; I’ve always listened to opposing views and suggestions with an open mind  (I Believe Quotes) To create a world in which life can flourish and prosper we must replace the values and institutions of capitalism with values and institutions that honor life, serve life’s needs, and restore money to its proper role as servant. I believe we are in fact being called to take a step to a new level of species consciousness and function  (I Believe Quotes) Without religion, I believe that learning does real mischief to the morals and principles of mankind  (I Believe Quotes) My mother has always been my role model, and I believe my survival in the entertainment business is in large part due to my desire to be a strong woman like my mother. She is my hero  (I Believe Quotes) Statistically it’s a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligences, life forms out there. I believe they’re so advanced they’re even doing interstellar travel. I believe it’s possible they even came here  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better than the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it  (I Believe Quotes) Relationships or not, I believe that people don’t need to know about my life beyond a certain point  (I Believe Quotes) This is what I believe to be true. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that life is hard. That we all are going to walk through things that are hard and challenging, and yet advertising wants us to believe that it’s all easy  (I Believe Quotes) I find drug use disrespectful, self destructive and weak. I want no part of it. I believe in complete respect for myself and others  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in a set of values I cannot live by. I set high goals for myself, I seek perfection, dream of exotic faraway places. But ultimately, what I long for isn’t far away at all. It’s in my own backyard. Imperfection charms me, familiar things move me... a celebration of what we have, instead of what we long for. That for me, is glamor  (I Believe Quotes) I believe I did what honor dictated and that belief sustains me, except for a slight desire to be dead which I’m sure will pass  (I Believe Quotes) I have my mantra about silhouette, proportion, and fit. I believe that when they are in harmony and balance, you’ll look great in anything  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in fate, I believe in hard work, and I feel like if I just keep marching, the path will kind of appear before me  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that everyone should be treated equal. That’s the way I was raised, and that’s the way I live my life  (I Believe Quotes) There’s always a new thing happening to me that’s even more extraordinary, so pressure gets harder. But I like it when it’s hard. Anyone can do it when it’s easy. When it’s hard and you can do it good, you’re proud of yourself. There’s going to be more pressure as the years go by, that’s for sure. But I think I’m a hard worker and I’m ready for that. As long as I believe in what I’m doing, the pressure is okay with me  (I Believe Quotes) I am an agnostic, even though I respect and am interested in all religions. If there’s something I believe in, it’s a mysterious energy; the one that fills the oceans during tides, the one that unites nature and beings  (I Believe Quotes) I should have been dead ten times over. I’ve thought about that a lot. I believe in miracles. It’s an absolute miracle that I’m still around  (I Believe Quotes) Music is a way of life, it’s everything. I play drums and that’s what I believe I was born to do  (I Believe Quotes) That’s how I believed relationships worked: You go into town, pick up the girl you want, then ride off into the mountains and the townsfolk can’t get them back  (I Believe Quotes) Of course I believe in aliens. I think it’s very egocentric to think that there’s nothing else with intelligence in the whole universe  (I Believe Quotes) I see my work as visual meditations on the human experience and my attempts to capture the thin, otherwordly realm I believe exists between what we see and what we cannot  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in living each day as it comes, to the best of my ability. When it’s done, I put it away, remembering that there will be a tomorrow to take it’s place. If I have any philosophy, that’s it. To me it’s not a fatalistic attitude  (I Believe Quotes) I try to believe like I believed when I was five... when your heart tells you everything you need to know  (I Believe Quotes) I believe people are genuinely good. I don’t like to see the bad in people, so because of that, I could see myself falling into a bad situation. But thankfully, I haven’t yet  (I Believe Quotes) I believe we are all born equal. You know, we are, whether you’re a boy or a girl, you should have the same equal rights  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes an art. When you read some books they are fantastic, the writer touches something in you that you know you would not have brought out of yourself. He makes you discover something interesting in your life. If you are living like an animal, what is the point of living? What makes daily life interesting is that we try to transform it to something that is close to art  (I Believe Quotes)
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