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I Believe Quotes

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I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to the point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in the institution of marriage and it’s like a tag to cement the relationship for your friends, family and public  (I Believe Quotes) Though I am not an avid reader but I like romantic books. Love is a good thing. At times in love, there are disappointments…one must not keep expectations. I like to be positive in love. I believe in happy endings  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in individuality, that everybody is special, and it’s up to them to find that quality and let it live  (I Believe Quotes) I wish I believed I’d see my parents again, see my wife again. But I know it’s not going to happen  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in art that is connected to real human feeling, that extends itself beyond the limits of the art world to embrace all people who are striving for alternatives in an increasingly dehumanized world. I am trying to make art that relates to the deepest and most mythic concerns of human kind and I believe that, at this moment of history, feminism is humanism  (I Believe Quotes) I’m a fatalist. I believe things happen for a reason, that you attract people and situations that are meant to fulfil your path  (I Believe Quotes) I just love the thrill of performing on stage. I believe that singing is something I was put here to do  (I Believe Quotes) I believe fervently in the nature, in truth and imagination, I believe in the blood, in life, words, and motivations  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that mink are raised for being turned into fur coats. And if we didn’t wear fur coats, those little animals would never have been born!  (I Believe Quotes) And once again I believe that nothing that’s important really becomes lost. We just delude ourselves, thinking that we own the things, the moments and the others. Still with me are all the dead persons who I loved, all the friends who turned away, all the happy days that faded. I lost nothing but the illusion that everything could be mine forever  (I Believe Quotes) Everything you heard about me is true... I am not a free marketer... I believe in the heavy hand of government  (I Believe Quotes) A photographer is a witness. He has a moral duty. Every picture must be true and honest. I believe a photographer’s strength is his ability to accurately record reality. There are photographers who think they are lucky if they find unusual or special subject. But it is never the subject that is so marvelous. It is how alive and real the photographer can make it  (I Believe Quotes) I believe a young player will run through a barbed wire fence for you. An older player looks for a hole in the fence  (I Believe Quotes) That goes against what I believe morally. That’s adultery, and if I’m accused of that, no, that’s not right. I have two kids who see that and remember that and judge me. It didn’t happen, and it’s not to be reported that way  (I Believe Quotes) This is the welfare generation, and that is incredibly sad. That will be judged in history as being far worse, I believe, than the stolen generation, because we are literally losing thousands and thousands of our indigenous brothers and sisters to the effects of welfare – drugs, gunja, low morale, alcoholism. I see it everyday and it can stop. The solution is education, training and a guaranteed opportunity  (I Believe Quotes) I enjoy myself a lot but I derive more joy in working. I believe in hard work and one of my business success secrets is hard work. It’s hard to see a youth that will go to bed by 2am and wake up by 5am. I don’t rest until I achieve something  (I Believe Quotes) If you aren’t hearing your inner voice, it could mean you’re overburdened or not stimulated enough, or that you’ve learned to shut it off because the people around you have refused to engage it. Perhaps you’ve had a hardening of the arteries around your soul. I believe the choices we make in our lives and the people and places surrounding us increase the volume of our inner voice, decrease it, or annihilate it entirely  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that anyone who doesn’t read remains dumb. Even if they know how, failing to regularly ingest the written word dooms them to ignorance, no matter what else they have or do  (I Believe Quotes) I sell a complete package... a life style that’s in harmony with and exemplified by the exterior and interior living space. I’m obsessive about the way I live and work, so when it comes to renovating, I believe in finding the true integrity of a house, then breathing life back into it in a way that connects with a certain type of buyer  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in struggle. And I believe that the struggle is beautiful. You have to try it or you will never know what’s beyond it  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that history is not made by cynics; it is made by realists who are not afraid to dream. Let us be these people  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that in our constant search for security we can never gain any peace of mind until we secure our own soul  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in the resonance and staying power of quiet photographs. These photographs required a certain seeing, but few special techniques, and no tricks. Something though was hard. It was hard being between photographs and not knowing when or how another image would reveal itself  (I Believe Quotes) A second characteristic of the process which for me is the good life, is that it involves an increasingly tendency to live fully in each moment. I believe it would be evident that for the person who was fully open to his new experience, completely without defensiveness, each moment would be new  (I Believe Quotes) People wrote me off, but I believed in myself. I got the confidence back, and it grew and grew. I won my first major and my last at the place that changed my life  (I Believe Quotes) We must first realize that dancing is an absolutely independent art, not merely a secondary accompanying one. I believe that it is one of the great arts... The important thing in ballet is the movement itself. A ballet may contain a story, but the visual spectacle... is the essential element. The choreographer and the dancer must remember that they reach the audience through the eye. It’s the illusion created which convinces the audience, much as it is with the work of a magician  (I Believe Quotes) I believe most definitely that one must not only grapple with the problems on the board, one must also make every effort to combat the thoughts and will of the opponent  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that if a child has a feel for writing and wants to write, there is an audience. Children should just dive in and go at it. I would encourage children to write about themselves and things that are happening to them. It is a lot easier and they know the subject better if they use something out of their everyday lives as an inspiration. Read stories, listen to stories, to develop an understanding of what stories are all about  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in choosing the hardest book imaginable. I believe in reading up on what others have to say about this difficult book, and then making up my own mind  (I Believe Quotes)
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