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I Believe Quotes

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I believe that there have been civilisations in the past that were familiar with atomic energy, and that by misusing it they were totally destroyed  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in working hard all the time. I have faith that working hard is going to get me where I want to go  (I Believe Quotes) Often people think opportunity is a matter of luck. I believe opportunities are all around us. Some seize it. Others stand and let it pass by  (I Believe Quotes) Don’t put down too many roots in terms of a domicile. I have lived in four countries and I think my life as a writer and our family’s life have been enriched by this. I think a writer has to experience new environments. There is that adage: No man can really succeed if he doesn’t move away from where he was born. I believe it is particularly true for the writer  (I Believe Quotes) What I’ve found is that country doesn’t refer to where you grew up as much as where your heart grows down, where it takes root. Country is a state of mind. I believe what ultimately defines being country is simple: a loving heart, a helping hand, an open mind, poor in spirit  (I Believe Quotes) There is no problem that doesn’t have some underlying need for more optimism, stamina, resilience and collaboration. And games are, I believe, the best platform we have for providing that  (I Believe Quotes) I believe passionately that games are an art form and that the power of our medium flows from our audience, who are deeply involved in how the story unfolds and who have the uncontested right to provide constructive criticism. At the same time, I also believe in and support the artistic choices made by the development team  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that music surpasses even language in its power to mirror the innermost recesses of the human soul  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that everything has a purpose and that everything a person does will come back to haunt or save him. Life is like a mirror in which everything we do is reflected back to us. We might not be able to recognize the reflection, and at times the image may be hidden. We may take years to see it or it may not even be visible during our lifetime. But it all comes around in the end. Space is as infinite as our actions are timeless. We are all part of the same invisible story, all travelling in a single continuum  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in poetry as a way of surviving the emotional chaos, spiritual confusions, and traumatic events that come with being alive  (I Believe Quotes) I believe feminism is grounded in supporting the choices of women even if we wouldn’t make certain choices for ourselves  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that sometimes people come into your life at exactly the right moment to give you exactly what you need at that moment  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that creativity is a product of intelligence. I don’t believe that creative work can be produced by fools, dullards, or mediocre people, except in the rarest of accidents. Creativity is a product of desire, thought, experience, experimentation and inner conviction. Taken together, these five qualities imply intelligence and commitment  (I Believe Quotes) Going back to high school and college, I believed I would be involved in public service. I literally could not conceptualize anything else  (I Believe Quotes) Under most circumstances that would result in disqualification. If the rules of golf are upheld, I believe he should have been disqualified  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that fantasy in the meaning of imagination is very important. We shouldn’t stick too close to everyday reality but give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind, and of the imagination  (I Believe Quotes) The greatest challenge of the next 50 years, I believe, will be to create dignified work for everyone... not through handouts and charity, but through market forces  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that eating simple food in a healthy body with a clean conscience is more pleasurable, and infinitely more satisfying, then eating decadent food that makes you and your world ill  (I Believe Quotes) You may have lost your way more than a little bit, but I believe you can find your way back. That’s the trick. Finding your way back  (I Believe Quotes) From what I’ve been able to figure out, all of us are here together and we need one another. We must celebrate each other’s differences. Learning to ask for help is as important as learning the value of helping other people. I believe all the people in my life have been there for a reason, and I hope I have been in theirs for a reason as well. It’s taken me a while, but I feel truly blessed. After all is said and done, I love life, I love people, and I love being me  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that one of the best ways of getting at truth is reflecting with others who have opposing views and who share your interest in finding the truth rather than being proven right  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that we all get rewarded and punished according to whether we operate in harmony or in conflict with nature’s laws, and that all societies will succeed or fail in the degrees that they operate consistently with these laws  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that dreamers who simply imagine things that would be nice but are not possible don’t sufficiently appreciate the laws of the universe to understand the true implications of their desires, much less how to achieve them  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the time has come to acknowledge that the practice of routine circumcision rests on the absurd premise that the only mammal in creation born in the condition that requires immediate surgical correction is the human male  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that any form of writing exercise is good for you. I also believe that any form of tuition which helps develop your awareness of the different properties, styles, and effects of writing is good for you. It helps you become a better reader, more sensitive to nuance, and a better writer, more sensitive to audience. Texting language is no different from other innovative forms of written expression that have emerged in the past. It is a type of language whose communicative strengths and weaknesses need to be appreciated  (I Believe Quotes) Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here’s one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that true beauty comes from inside you and that always shows through. I have no problem with whatever the next look is, whether it’s big blonde hair and blue eyes or green hair and dark eyes. That’s fine so long as there isn’t just one ideal image  (I Believe Quotes) I do believe in the power of story. I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners  (I Believe Quotes) Well, yes. I believe that children’s souls are the inheritors of historical memory from previous generations. It’s just that as they grow older and experience the everyday world that memory sinks lower and lower. I feel I need to make a film that reaches down to that level. If I could do that I would die happy  (I Believe Quotes) I don’t trust the answers or the people who give me the answers. I believe in dirt and bone and flowers and fresh pasta and salsa cruda and red wine. I don’t believe in white wine; I insist on color  (I Believe Quotes)
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