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I Believe Quotes

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I believe I shall never be old enough to speak without embarrassment when I have nothing to talk about  (I Believe Quotes) I do wish I believed in the life eternal, for it makes me quite miserable to think man is merely a kind of machine endowed, unhappily for himself, with consciousness  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that each young person is different from any other who has ever lived, as different as his fingerprints: that he could bring to the world a wonderful and special way of solving unsolved problems, that in his special way, he can be great  (I Believe Quotes) And I believe that if 100 million people became embodiments of peace, the world would transform, because consciousness is a collective phenomenon. And what we see as good and evil is the balance between forces  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in listening to what calls you from your heart and your spirit and if you do it badly, like learning to dance, you do it badly or you’re going to kick yourself when you grow old and you meant to do it  (I Believe Quotes) I don’t know what the hell I’m doing; I like what I’ve been doing. I believe in what I’ve done in the past and I hope to make a movie that; I hope my kid enjoys the movies I’ve made and enjoys some of the movies in the future  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that with great wealth comes great responsibility, a responsibility to give back to society and a responsibility to see that those resources are put to work in the best possible way to help those most in need  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the things I love inwardly will be received by the right people outwardly. I believe that what I believe in will be received well. I try to keep that as a foundation to what I do  (I Believe Quotes) Some people say that music isn’t something you are; it’s something you do. It’s having a constant desire to share and express. But I believe it’s something you are. To me it’s more inward  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that life supports what supports more of life. In other words, motivation does matter. If you’re just trying to take care of yourself, you’re part of life and I believe life steps in and gives you a certain level of insight  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that business shouldn’t be done in the public’s eye anyway. And I believe that business shouldn’t be handled in the magazines anyway. Business should be handled in the room amongst the people you’re doing business with  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, the same as I’ve believed all my life  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the best poetry of our times is growing too artistic; the study is too visible. If freedom and naturalness are lost out of poetry, everything worth having is lost  (I Believe Quotes) The world I believe is far too serious, and being far too serious... it has need of a wise and merry philosophy  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the measure of a man isn’t just the road he’s traveled; it’s the choices he’s made along the way  (I Believe Quotes) I am actuated by an ambition which I believe to be an honourable one? the ambition of serving the great cause of truth, while endeavouring to forward the literature of the country  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in good. It is an ephemeral and elusive quality. It is the center of my beliefs, but it cannot be strengthened by talking about it  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in evil. It is the property of all those who are certain of truth. Despair and fanaticism are only differing manifestations of evil  (I Believe Quotes) I believe in excellence. It is a basic need of every human soul. All of us can be excellent, because, fortunately, we are exceedingly diverse in our ambitions and talents  (I Believe Quotes) It is right that the good should be happy, that the wicked and the impious on the other hand, should be miserable; that is a truth, I believe, which no one will gainsay  (I Believe Quotes) In a period of such obsessing political controversy as the present, I believe that I am that strange animal, the individual without any politics at all  (I Believe Quotes) I do think on some basic level we are animals and by instinct we kind of breed accordingly. But, as much as I believe that, I work really hard when I’m in a relationship to make it work in a monogamous way  (I Believe Quotes) I have two older sisters and one older brother and hold them largely responsible for the trouble I got into growing up. I believe as the youngest child, that is my right  (I Believe Quotes) If you come out with racist comments, then I believe you shouldn’t be allowed to come to a football match. Don’t be so narrow minded, you’re bigger than that  (I Believe Quotes) You walk into my bedroom at night, it looks like a nightclub. There’s all kinds of lighting effects, there’s all kinds of music. I want them to feel like they’re in for a show. I believe in romance  (I Believe Quotes) Anybody is qualified, according to everybody, for giving opinions upon poetry. It is not so in chemistry and mathematics. Nor is it so, I believe, in whist and the polka. But then these are more serious things  (I Believe Quotes) I believe one of the reasons we went through such a remarkable growth period was that we had this atmosphere of free discussion  (I Believe Quotes) I believe it is a big mistake to think that money is the only way to compensate a person for his work. People need money, but they also want to be happy in their work and proud of it  (I Believe Quotes) I believe that I’ve been asked all possible questions. I, myself, if I were a journalist, would not know what to ask me  (I Believe Quotes) I believe the only reality is how we treat each other. The morality comes from the absence of any grander scheme, not from the presence of any grander scheme  (I Believe Quotes)
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