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I Can Quotes

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Now I can say loudly and openly what I have been saying to myself on my knees  (I Can Quotes) I watch old school film so that I can learn so much that I just sort of miss all the new stuff  (I Can Quotes) I’m gonna have to develop myself. I’m just going to do the best that I can do  (I Can Quotes) I can pay my rent now. I guess I could always do that, but now I can get an apartment with heat  (I Can Quotes) I can’t remember what the last film I saw was, as I can’t smoke or drink in cinemas  (I Can Quotes) I can sing, but my voice is untrained. Id like to do a musical someday  (I Can Quotes) I can’t think why mothers love them. All babies do is leak at both ends  (I Can Quotes) The only time I can really relax is up a tree or somewhere outside. I love being outside  (I Can Quotes) I think everything I do is my early work. I can’t wait to get on to the later stuff  (I Can Quotes) As a friendly one. I would still like to write concrete poems, but I can only do it sometimes  (I Can Quotes) I always try to work with people who are better than me, so I can learn more  (I Can Quotes) I hear entire symphonies, oratorios, in my head, but I can’t write a note  (I Can Quotes) I can’t read historical fiction because I find the real thing so much more interesting  (I Can Quotes) I don’t know if I’m striving for anything that I can put into words  (I Can Quotes) In journalism I can only tell what happened. In fiction, I can show it  (I Can Quotes) I live in fear of being a contented passenger. I’d rather get parts I can’t play  (I Can Quotes) I’ll take as much work as I can get. You can always need more work  (I Can Quotes) And for me there’s still more material than 20 lifetimes that I can use up  (I Can Quotes) I’m very pro presenting the best music I can to the widest audience possible  (I Can Quotes) I don’t know exactly what is my impact, but I can say I am doing fashion my own way  (I Can Quotes) Even now I can say I’d love to finish my career here, and then stay in the game after that  (I Can Quotes) Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can have as many women as I want?  (I Can Quotes) The most interesting information I can have about a competitor is the cost  (I Can Quotes) I try to find hope in struggle and resistance in small places as much as I can  (I Can Quotes) An actress can only play a woman. I’m an actor, I can play anything  (I Can Quotes) I can look up in the air and see where the wind is gonna change direction  (I Can Quotes) I can write best in the silence and solitude of the night, when everyone has retired  (I Can Quotes) I am very fit and by playing sweeper I can control the speed of the game  (I Can Quotes) Paris is a wonderful city. I can’t say I belong to an especially anglophone community  (I Can Quotes) Sometimes I can spend as long revising a manuscript as I spent writing it in the first place  (I Can Quotes)
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