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I Can Quotes

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I won’t mention the word tired. This is the 20th century and I can go around a little faster  (I Can Quotes) I almost feel like I’m unoffendable now. I can roll with whatever  (I Can Quotes) I have trouble voicing my thoughts... I can’t communicate very well that way  (I Can Quotes) Personally, I can’t see how anyone can produce any beautiful music out of being angry  (I Can Quotes) You are lucky that I can’t sing tonight because I might get carried away  (I Can Quotes) I can’t tell you how important it was for us to be successful in japan  (I Can Quotes) I can tell you this, if it wasn’t for my book royalties, I’d be in debt  (I Can Quotes) I know what wanting and craving adventure feels like, I can really relate to that  (I Can Quotes) I want a part where I can use my own hair, my own voice, and maybe even be literate  (I Can Quotes) I can wear a hat or take it off, but either way it’s a conversation piece  (I Can Quotes) I’m not afraid of heights. I rock climb. I can repel off the side of a building  (I Can Quotes) I have lots of favourite memories but I can’t say that I have a favourite film  (I Can Quotes) Here’s one thing I can’t understand: people who are friends with their exes  (I Can Quotes) Now I can stand up on the stage again like I used to after five years of sitting down while I sang  (I Can Quotes) That’s one of my jobs, just trying to do what I can to help this team out as much as possible  (I Can Quotes) I can only have dinner with my girlfriends once a month instead of once a week  (I Can Quotes) I think it’s a pretty good day if I can get through it without lifting a finger  (I Can Quotes) What I read is so distorted that I cannot believe that the person they are talking about is myself  (I Can Quotes) I can’t visualize the situation in which we nuke ourselves into extinction  (I Can Quotes) I’ve given everything I can possible to the game, on and off the field  (I Can Quotes) I don’t see myself as extremely handsome. I just figure I can charm you into liking me  (I Can Quotes) I can only hope that neither of my daughters was scarred by their upbringing  (I Can Quotes) I can’t swim at the level I used to. I had to retire because of an injury to my shoulder  (I Can Quotes) I was always cast doing something athletic. I can’t do a cartwheel  (I Can Quotes) Fortunately my career has never been about how I look, it’s about how I can be  (I Can Quotes) I do love being solo because I can have more of my own creative input to every aspect of my career  (I Can Quotes) I am not a painter, nor an artist. Therefore I can see straight, and that may be my undoing  (I Can Quotes) I think people will be curious to see what I can do as a dramatic actor  (I Can Quotes) I have a new television show in the works, and that is all I can say right now  (I Can Quotes) I’d love to do historical pictures more, but I don’t know if I can  (I Can Quotes)
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