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I Can Quotes

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The wish falls often warm upon my heart that I may learn nothing here that I cannot continue in the other world; that I may do nothing here but deeds that will bear fruit in heaven  (I Can Quotes) It then occurs to me that I am mentally unstable. So I decided to close my office door and go online. Maybe I can do some research and find out what's wrong with my personality and then fix it  (I Can Quotes) I never drink. I cannot do it, on equal terms with others. It costs them only one day; but me three, the first in sinning, the second in suffering, and the third in repenting  (I Can Quotes) I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do  (I Can Quotes) I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God made world, not a man made world  (I Can Quotes) The world is sown with good; but unless I turn my glad thoughts into practical living and till my own field, I cannot reap a kernel of the good  (I Can Quotes) Now I feel as if I should succeed in doing something in mathematics, although I cannot see why it is so very important... The knowledge doesn't make life any sweeter or happier, does it?  (I Can Quotes) But it is not what I am saying that is hurting you; it is that you have wounds that I touch by what I have said. You are hurting yourself. There is no way I can take this personally  (I Can Quotes) True, I cannot see the stars scattered like gold dust in the heavens, but stars just as bright shine in my soul  (I Can Quotes) I cannot remember how I felt when the light went out of my eyes. I suppose I felt it was always night and perhaps I wondered why the day did not come  (I Can Quotes) People are suspicious of single men on vacation, after they get to a certain age: they assume that they're selfish, and probably a bit pervy. I can't say they're wrong  (I Can Quotes) I am not up to this. I am not capable. I thought I would be, but I'm not. Some part of me is missing, and I cannot do this  (I Can Quotes) If you're my friend I should be able to talk to you but I can't, and if I can't talk to you, well, what is the point of you? Of us?  (I Can Quotes) When I'm not working, I am the laziest person. I can literally lie on a couch and watch television for 15 hours. I hate people who say 'Oh, I'm addicted to working out', I just want to punch those people in the face  (I Can Quotes) Here I am in the dark alone, What is it going to be? I can think whatever I like to think, I can play whatever I like to play, I can laugh whatever I like to laugh, There's nobody here but me  (I Can Quotes) I have learned to love that which is meant to harm me, so that I can stand in the way of those who are less strong. I can take the bullets for those who aren't able to  (I Can Quotes) If I can't be sure of the actual events any more, I can at least be true to the impressions those facts left  (I Can Quotes) I cannot write any sort of story unless there is at least one character in it for whom I have physical desire  (I Can Quotes) Father says hot water can be as stimulating as an alcoholic drink and though I never come by one... I can well believe it  (I Can Quotes) With stories even a page can take me hours, but the truth seems to flow out as fast as I can get it down  (I Can Quotes) I’m a wife in watercolors I can wash away what seventeen cold showers couldn’t wash away  (I Can Quotes) And though I cannot honestly say I would ever turn my back on any luxury I could come by, I do feel there is something a bit wrong in it. Perhaps that makes it all the more enjoyable  (I Can Quotes) I am naive enough to read incessantly because I cannot, on my own, get to know enough people profoundly enough  (I Can Quotes) When I read a book, I put in all the imagination I can, so that it is almost like writing a book as well as reading it - or rather, it is like living it  (I Can Quotes) And though I cannot honestly say I would ever turn my back on any luxury that I could come by, I do feel there is something a bit wrong in it. Perhaps that makes it all the more enjoyable  (I Can Quotes) I'm a high tech low life. A cutting edge, state of the art bi coastal multi-asker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond!  (I Can Quotes) I am surprised to see how much I have written; with stories even a page can take me hours, but the truth seems to flow out as fast as I can get it down  (I Can Quotes) I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me  (I Can Quotes) Catholics are against abortions. Catholics are against homosexuals. But, I can't think of anyone who has less abortions than homosexuals!  (I Can Quotes) I can't really define it in sexual terms alone although our sexuality is so energizing why not enjoy it too?  (I Can Quotes)
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