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I Can Quotes

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I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome  (I Can Quotes) I can jog, but I can’t run. That’s hard for me. I like the fact that I can jog for fitness, but to me there’s a huge difference between jogging and running  (I Can Quotes) I can only hope to be 10 percent of the mom mine was to me. She encouraged me to be confident and enjoy life. That’s what I want for my son  (I Can Quotes) I can only speak from my own personal experience, being behind the camera and in front of it, but every magazine cover you see is completely airbrushed  (I Can Quotes) I can play punk rock, and I love playing punk rock, but I was into every other style of music before I played punk rock  (I Can Quotes) I can tell you that when I travel the state, when I talk to people, they are really struggling, in a very real way. They’re losing their jobs, they’re losing their homes, they’re dealing with financial challenges  (I Can Quotes) I can’t be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player that’s what I wanted. I wanted feedback, I wanted communication from the boss. I showed up for work, you can yell at me if you want, but I want input. So that’s the kind of coach I want to be  (I Can Quotes) I can’t change everything by myself but I can be one of the people who are trying to change the situation  (I Can Quotes) I can’t change history, I don’t want to change history. I can only change the future. I’m working on that  (I Can Quotes) I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination  (I Can Quotes) I can’t even find someone for a platonic relationship, much less the kind where someone wants to see me naked  (I Can Quotes) I can’t imagine dating a boy, meeting him only outside the home. What’s a home and family for if it’s not the center of one’s life?  (I Can Quotes) I can’t imagine wanting to be famous just for the sake of being famous. I think fame should come along with success, talent  (I Can Quotes) I can’t just react on the strength of an email and three pages of synopsis, and say I’m going to take off for three months of my life  (I Can Quotes) I can’t just say one time of the year I’m going to do something different. I have to commit to a lifestyle behavioral change and just try to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday  (I Can Quotes) I can’t let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days  (I Can Quotes) I can’t let time move on without fighting tooth and nail and hopefully being a part of a revolution that is positive  (I Can Quotes) I can’t live without my beauty products. I love to be in my bathroom with my candles lit, morning, noon and night. I like taking hot baths and hot showers, using my body scrubs and lotions  (I Can Quotes) I can’t remember a major league game where I could make eye contact with my dad. I kept wondering if he was going to yell at me for hanging a pitch or something  (I Can Quotes) I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a reporter. I don’t know where I got the idea that it was a romantic calling  (I Can Quotes) I can’t say that I’ve changed anybody’s life, ever, and that’s the real work of the world, if you want a better society  (I Can Quotes) I can’t stop being in parades. I just love dancing on floats that move really slowly on the city streets in the early morning  (I Can Quotes) I can’t tell you 100 percent what makes a relationship work. But I can see something good coming and I can see something bad coming  (I Can Quotes) I can’t wait for my little sisters to start dating, because it will really be fun to pick on their boyfriends  (I Can Quotes) I can’t watch other people doing comedy. As soon as somebody starts being funny I have to turn off because it upsets me. I get comedy indigestion. I just hate anybody else being funny. That’s my job  (I Can Quotes) I cannot imagine having a physical relationship with a woman. I have not done that. But I really love women  (I Can Quotes) I could have been an architect, but I don’t think I’d have been very happy. Nearly all modern architecture is a silly game as far as I can see  (I Can Quotes) I do music because I can just pick up my guitar and sing, and completely satisfy, instant gratification. I don’t need a script, I don’t people, I don’t need anything, cameras, I just have myself and my guitar, or keyboard  (I Can Quotes) I don’t really approach stories to make them different from other stuff I’ve seen, I just try to get into the character, into his or her head. Try to make it as funny, as scary or as wild as I can so that I really like it  (I Can Quotes) I don’t really remember a time younger than 5 years old that I didn’t have skates on because all I can remember is every day, tying up my skates and a big smile on my face, excited to go on the ice  (I Can Quotes)
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