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I Can Quotes

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I don’t smoke, don’t drink much, and go to the gym five times a week. I live a healthy lifestyle and feel great. I can run a marathon, you know  (I Can Quotes) I don’t think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate, considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do, find the joy in it, and express yourself through your passion  (I Can Quotes) I don’t want to be a silly temptress. I cannot see any sense in getting dressed up and doing nothing but tempting men in pictures  (I Can Quotes) I don’t want to be famous famous. I’m happy on the second tier, where I have autonomy on a professional level but I can still go out to the movies without being recognized  (I Can Quotes) I feel fortunate. I’ve really gotten to work with amazing talented people, and to learn from them, which is why I’m doing this. If I can work with the best director I’m going to do it  (I Can Quotes) I go to the gym five days a week and I have a personal trainer. I am on a strict diet, which is kind of hard to keep up with on the road, but I stick to it as well as I can  (I Can Quotes) I got into acting because my teachers kept nudging me into it. The power a teacher has to influence someone is so great. I can’t think of a profession I have more respect for  (I Can Quotes) I guess you’d call me an independent, since I’ve never identified myself with one party or another in politics. I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label  (I Can Quotes) I had the standard movie geek childhood, because for as long as I can remember, all I wanted to do was make movies  (I Can Quotes) I hate fishing, and I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hike when you can get in the car and drive  (I Can Quotes) I have made the choices that work best for me. I know I cannot please everyone, and that’s fine  (I Can Quotes) I haven’t had an orthodox career, and I’ve wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn’t feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!  (I Can Quotes) I hope everybody’s had fun, because I’ve enjoyed my ride. I can tell you that. Now it’s time to step aside and let some other young kid come in and win. Hopefully, they will, too  (I Can Quotes) I hope I left behind a legacy that people will enjoy. But whatever they want to say, I can’t predict  (I Can Quotes) I just believe that the feeling of wonder is amazing. I am pushing myself as far as I can humanly push myself... I can only hope for the best and expect the worse  (I Can Quotes) I just play the music that I love with musicians that I respect, and fortunately, I’m in a position where people are willing to play with me, and perhaps I can do something to help them  (I Can Quotes) I just try to play music from my heart and bring as much beauty as I can to as many people as I can. Just give them other alternatives, especially people who arent exposed to creative music  (I Can Quotes) I like a women who’s got some balls, some strength. As long as I can beat her at arm wrestling, that’s fine  (I Can Quotes) I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don’t want to be some stress casualty in early middle age  (I Can Quotes) I love sports. Anytime I can combine sports with a film I’m a happy guy. It’s such a natural fit, because sports always seems to be a metaphor for life. Always, always, always  (I Can Quotes) I mean I’m not smarter than the market, but I can recognize a good tape and a bad tape. I recognize when it’s right and when it’s wrong and that’s what my strength is  (I Can Quotes) I only travel to good material, a good director and a good company. I won’t work in another country for a year any longer, because I have a lovely wife and I adore her and I can’t bear to be away from her  (I Can Quotes) I played saxophone, so I was into jazz. I learned from each audience and each teacher that I had. I can’t really tell you any rules or anything, but the way I develop my beliefs is really just by personally learning from different situations  (I Can Quotes) I realize I will always be the poster child for police brutality, but I can try to use that as a positive force for healing and restraint  (I Can Quotes) I see my job as an actor to be as good a channel as I can be. Acting is a gift, and I have respect for it  (I Can Quotes) I think I can make an entirely new game experience, and if I can’t do it, some other game designer will  (I Can Quotes) I think I usually have quite ordinary dreams. Sometimes my dreams take me to other dimensions. I can travel in my mind especially when I’m dreaming I focus my mind on what I want to dream. If I want to fly, I focus on flying  (I Can Quotes) I think the best thing I can do is to be a distraction. A husband lives and breathes his work all day long. If he comes home to more table thumping, how can the poor man ever relax?  (I Can Quotes) I think what makes our marriage work amid all the glare is that my husband is my best friend. He inspires everything in my life and enables me to do the best that I can. I want to hang out with him more than anyone  (I Can Quotes) I thought we were gonna open up the world of poetry and music to all kinds of things, and yet, I can’t really think of anyone who’s done anything like it since  (I Can Quotes)
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