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I Can Quotes

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I’ve never cooked. I can’t do much more in the kitchen than make a cup of tea and some toast  (I Can Quotes) I’m always amazed to hear of air crash victims so badly mutilated that they have to be identified by their dental records. What I can’t understand is, if they don’t know who you are, how do they know who your dentist is?  (I Can Quotes) Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can  (I Can Quotes) There’s so many guys skiing so fast right now that you really have to be willing to take a lot of risks if you want to give yourself a chance to win. I’m prepared to do it; it’s just a matter of if I can make it work  (I Can Quotes) You have to love what you do, and you have to need it like you need air. And there’s nothing else that would give me the same degree of satisfaction as acting, which is why I can’t walk away from it  (I Can Quotes) I’m in this position where I can afford to wait, I’m lucky enough to be financially secure to not have to do anything that’s thrown at me. You know the next couple of jobs are going to be pretty crucial in terms of how you’re perceived by people. So I’m just waiting  (I Can Quotes) I endeavor to be wise when I cannot be merry, easy when I cannot be glad, content with what cannot be mended, and patient when there be no redress  (I Can Quotes) The pretty fellows you speak of, I own entertain me sometimes, but is it impossible to be diverted with what one despises? I can laugh at a puppet show, at the same time I know there is nothing in it worth my attention or regard  (I Can Quotes) Now I can see I was at fault for not being more considerate, but when we were doing the show I didn’t think it was my job to be considerate to other people  (I Can Quotes) I had, of course, no model for that sort of woman being married, but I can make that up as I go along  (I Can Quotes) I’ve been doing everything I can to reach out and understand why people voted against me. They were trying to send a message. I have to be more sensitive in the way I express myself, and I have to be more thoughtful in the positions I take  (I Can Quotes) I can’t belong to groups. I’ve tried. I behave normally, but people don’t look at me normally  (I Can Quotes) I am not so complicated or intelligent a composer, nor am I very interested in becoming so. I am much more happy doing what I know I can do than what I am not sure I could do  (I Can Quotes) I didn’t do what they said I did. I may have done enough so that I don’t know if I can prove my innocence  (I Can Quotes) Now I can walk into a room full of people I don’t know and do my job. That’s quite a massive thing to learn, I think  (I Can Quotes) I can’t really have any friends. It’s sad, really. It’s lonely. But that’s how I am  (I Can Quotes) I like eating out. I like buying beautiful paintings and being surrounded by beautiful things. I have to finance that life. I can barely afford a pension scheme because I don’t make enough money  (I Can Quotes) There’s nobody else on the face of this earth that’s playing a sport at a highest level... with a transplant. That alone continues to inspire me, because I realize throughout the whole world the struggles that people are going through. I need to inspire them the best way I can  (I Can Quotes) So without getting into the specifics, I can tell you that to the extent that investigation is a relatively important investigation and meaningful, the president would have been periodically briefed  (I Can Quotes) This horror of pain is a rather low instinct and... if I think of human beings I’ve known and of my own life, such as it is, I can’t recall any case of pain which didn’t, on the whole, enrich life  (I Can Quotes) I have about 50 guitars around the house. I can’t take more than a few steps without finding one to pick up  (I Can Quotes) For as long as I can remember I have suffered from a deep feeling of anxiety which I have tried to express in my art  (I Can Quotes) My shorthand answer is that I try to write the kind of book that I would like to read. If I can make it clear and interesting and compelling to me, then I hope maybe it will be for the reader  (I Can Quotes) I can never remember being afraid of an audience. If the audience could do better, they’d be up here on stage and I’d be out there watching them  (I Can Quotes) I’ve done enough of this that I can tell early on if it’s going in the wrong direction or not  (I Can Quotes) I’m not constrained by being a genre writer. Any story I can imagine, I can cast as a fantasy novel and probably get it published  (I Can Quotes) Even now I can’t stand being recognized in the street. I just hate it when strangers come up and try to talk to me. I’m pathologically shy  (I Can Quotes) I haven’t got the kind of discipline where I can turn my emotion inside out and then just switch off. It affects me fairly profoundly and I don’t like putting myself through that kind of mincer every day  (I Can Quotes) If I feel strongly, I say it. I know I can do more good by being vocal than by staying quiet. I’d have a whole lot more money if I lied, but I wouldn’t enjoy spending it  (I Can Quotes) I never feel like I have to hang on to the music. I don’t expect that the music will go away. Ideas are the only thing I can point to that are permanent and fixed  (I Can Quotes)
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