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I Can Quotes

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If we’d had another carefree 70s, I’d have been dead. It was a little too carefree, you know? I don’t know how carefree they were for me, I think I was worried then, I can’t remember what about  (I Can Quotes) I can hardly find the words to describe the peace I felt when I was acting. My dysfunctional self could actually plug in to another self, not my own, and it felt so good  (I Can Quotes) I don’t think I can remember a moment in my life where people didn’t discuss politics. People discuss politics at the table  (I Can Quotes) I never felt comfortable in real life very well. It’s always been an awkward kind of thing for me and so when I hit the stage I just sensed freedom. I sensed here’s a place that I can have all the experiences of life and not feel uncomfortable about it  (I Can Quotes) The distance between number one and number two is always a constant. If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself and the organization gets pulled up with you. That is a big lesson. I cannot just expect the organization to improve if I don’t improve myself and lift the organization, because that distance is a constant  (I Can Quotes) I mean, I can actually say goodbye to the game of golf, never hit another golf shot the rest of my life and I’d be happy because I can get back in life without any rotation  (I Can Quotes) When I turned 50, I said to myself, well, if this is what it’s like turning 50, I can’t wait to turn 60 because I still felt very, very mentally and physically good, outside my back surgery  (I Can Quotes) I just wanted to play tennis. I started because I wanted to pick up another sport and then as I was slowly getting better I wanted to see how far I can go but I always wanted to be myself. I wanted to be original. I didn’t want to copy anybody’s style  (I Can Quotes) We’ve been together since we’ve been teenagers. I can go away and disappear for two years, and when we get back together, it’s like nothing ever has changed  (I Can Quotes) It might be a bad thing, not to know what’s going on in the world. I can’t say I really approve of it  (I Can Quotes) I can always see what I’ve done wrong. I’m always learning. I’m the perennial student  (I Can Quotes) I’m attracted to roles that are unpredictable, and if I can get my hands on something like that, I’m thrilled. I like performances where you don’t know what’s coming, moment to moment  (I Can Quotes) I just love the feeling from the fans and when I’m walking on deck I can hear people screaming and wishing you the best. That puts you into the game more than anything  (I Can Quotes) I can’t lie, I did a lot of really, really stupid things, and it was because it was my way of crying for help  (I Can Quotes) I don’t operate on smokers. I tell cigarette smokers that I can operate on you, I get paid the same. And you might even do well. But it’s the wrong thing to do. So I refuse to operate on you until you stop smoking  (I Can Quotes) When a batter swings and I see his knees move, I can tell just what his weaknesses are then I just put the ball where I know he can’t hit it  (I Can Quotes) I want more muscles! I go to the gym three or four times a week with a personal trainer. I can afford that now. I can’t put on weight though, no matter how much I eat  (I Can Quotes) I’m not confident with the ladies. I can’t just ask someone out in a club. I’d like to say I’m a gentleman  (I Can Quotes) I’m a perfectionist, and I always think that I can do better what I have done, even if it’s good  (I Can Quotes) I can cook really well. I started cooking as a kid, so I can fend for myself in the kitchen and even do a little gourmet action  (I Can Quotes) I can understand in some sense, having played the character, how unimaginably frustrating it is for people to tell you that you can’t love who you love, because you ain’t going to change it, and so they have to get out of your way  (I Can Quotes) A lot of guys really I get the feeling don’t care whether you like their show or not, you know. I want people to enjoy what I do, and understand what I’m doing is for their enjoyment, it’s all I can ask for  (I Can Quotes) I think theres a little bit of sizzling here. Honestly, I can feel it. The ions are flying back and forth  (I Can Quotes) I’ve been wanting to go into music ever since I can remember. I mean even before I became an actor. I just thought it would be a tough field to break into, so I became an actor instead  (I Can Quotes) At the beginning of the season, I set my goal to see if I can lead the league in scoring, because I feel I have that kind of ability. A lot of guys say it, but it’s not really in their grasp. I feel that’s really in my grasp  (I Can Quotes) Once people start making comparisons to a player of the past, they want you to be that player. I try to go out there and create my own image, my own style, my own type of game. Right now I can’t even think of one guy I’ve been compared to  (I Can Quotes) I cannot consent to be led three or four hundred leagues out of my route, without its being by force of arms  (I Can Quotes) I imagine a child. That child is me. I can reconstruct and vividly remember portions of my own childhood. I can see, taste, smell, feel, and hear them. Then what I do is, not write about that kid or about his world, but start to think of a book that would have pleased him  (I Can Quotes) I just don’t deal with the negativity. I can’t get involved in that side of it. I don’t understand it, and you can’t let it take away from your life and what you are trying to do  (I Can Quotes) I am not one of those actors who believes he has to live the part he is playing. I can turn it on and off  (I Can Quotes)
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