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I Can Quotes

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Don’t let negativity affect your vision. A lot of people have said harsh things, but I don’t let it affect me. If anything it gives me more enthusiasm and pushes me to do better in my career so I can prove them wrong  (I Can Quotes) On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting  (I Can Quotes) Look, you’re here to see me, and I can’t go on until my dealer is here, and he’s waiting to be paid, so give me some money so I can fix up, and then you’ll get your show  (I Can Quotes) I am a bit different from the other sprinters because, I would say, I can run many different ways while the other guys they just came on and they can only run one way  (I Can Quotes) I read every script from beginning to end, and I read every draft that I can. I like the show, I like the character, and I want to protect both of those things  (I Can Quotes) I never not wanted to be a singer. Since I was 3, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Well, I can’t say I wanted to do it, but I fantasized and thought about it all the time. I never thought it would actually happen  (I Can Quotes) You have so much to share, you have so much to tell, you have so much you want to expose, so much that’s inside that you’ve learned from that life period. There are really very few people I can share that with  (I Can Quotes) I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated, but I can’t worry about what everyone’s going to think  (I Can Quotes) I am only interested in bad taste if I can enjoy a gruesome tango or watch a movie that makes me cry  (I Can Quotes) I don’t want to name names, but the least I can say about rock and roll is that I’m suspicious  (I Can Quotes) Well, I can do certain jobs because smells don’t bother me. But that means I’m usually the one at the ranch cleaning up all the manure  (I Can Quotes) I can’t hit a ball more than 200 yards. I have no butt. You need a butt if you’re going to hit a golf ball  (I Can Quotes) I can’t control how people are going to react. I try not to worry about what I can’t control  (I Can Quotes) I still owe a duty of loyalty to my clients and former clients, so I cannot specify which clients I did not especially find congenial, but the cause was the same  (I Can Quotes) I get nervous around girls for the first time. Once I’m in, I can take the reins and go. It’s just the initial approach I’m really bad at  (I Can Quotes) It’s funny because a lot of people that know me as a dancer, don’t know that I’m a singer, and a lot of people that know I can sing don’t know I can dance. And so, I feel like at some point I have to show them both and really be able to display it and showcase it, and put that out there  (I Can Quotes) I get so nervous on stage I can’t help but talk. I try. I try telling my brain: stop sending words to the mouth. But I get nervous and turn into my grandma. Behind the eyes it’s pure fear. I find it difficult to believe I’m going to be able to deliver  (I Can Quotes) There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter  (I Can Quotes) All I can say is, hey, if you have fun doing what you do, if you have fun playing soccer, the creativity is just going to come as time goes on  (I Can Quotes) I need to be in a stable environment right now in my career. What I mean by that is a place where I can play and not have too much pressure on me and a place I can develop. Monaco wanted me and did whatever they could to get me so I feel very very good about that  (I Can Quotes) I can’t help believing that these things that come from the subconscious mind have a sort of truth to them. It may not be a scientific truth, but it’s psychological truth  (I Can Quotes) Now, I cannot approve anything the council has rejected, but I can reject anything the council has approved  (I Can Quotes) I’m going to go to school. It doesn’t matter what the outcome is as long as I did it. I can say I did it  (I Can Quotes) That’s the only way I can control my movie. If you shoot everything, then everything is liable to end up in the movie. If you have a vision, you don’t have to cover every scene  (I Can Quotes) Usually, about 85 percent of what the tabloids report is a lie. Over the last year, I can truly say it has been 99 percent  (I Can Quotes) I just try to do as good job with the material as I can and play some jazz as well, some improvised music, and do that every night. Just see where it goes  (I Can Quotes) Following my muse has worked out pretty well so far. I can’t see any reason to change the formula now  (I Can Quotes) It’s a pity that I can never really enjoy my movies because, after the mixing, your capacity as a spectator just disappears. I have to think about what I felt just before the mixing  (I Can Quotes) I have always been very calm on the outside. I’m not too stressed now just because I’m in formula one. For me, tomorrow will be another day whether I finish first or last. I have to do the maximum and I cannot ask any more from myself  (I Can Quotes) If I don’t think about anything, and start with a clean slate, in terms of what I have to do, a lot of different ideas come up, and I can think about things more openly  (I Can Quotes)
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