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I Can Quotes

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I can’t say why people lie; they just do. Everyone has their own reasons for not telling the truth  (I Can Quotes) My life has flourished in so many ways both personally and professionally that I can’t ask for a better life  (I Can Quotes) Only truthful hands write true poems. I cannot see any basic difference between a handshake and a poem  (I Can Quotes) I wanted to make a film about stupid people that was very vulgar and deeply stupid. From that moment on I can hardly be reproached for making a film that is about stupid people  (I Can Quotes) I need to decide whether to apply for college or delay it for a couple of years while I pursue some more acting projects. Right now I’m trying to sort things out, so I can make the right choices  (I Can Quotes) On that road of the informer, it is always night. I cannot ever inform against anyone without feeling something die within me. I inform without pleasure, because it is necessary  (I Can Quotes) I can’t do all that riddly diddly stuff. I’m not good enough. It’s all about not playing  (I Can Quotes) After it’s finished, sometimes I can trace a path that goes back to the possible source of inspiration  (I Can Quotes) If I put forth a legitimate effort, then I feel like, if that doesn’t work out, that’s all I can do  (I Can Quotes) I don’t have a grand master plan, but I try to be thoughtful when I can and also silly. It’s part of the fun  (I Can Quotes) I’m very sensitive in real life. I cannot not cry if someone around me is crying. I will start to cry if someone is crying, even if it’s not appropriate. I have that thing in me, a weakness or sensitivity  (I Can Quotes) I can’t say the advertising model is obsolete yet but it doesn’t make a lot of sense in the long range  (I Can Quotes) Some people have questioned whether or not I can play a nice guy. Sometimes you can’t win for losing  (I Can Quotes) The more alone I am, the more focused I can get. I’ve written things with people, some of which I liked and others I think are total travesties. Collaborating is trying to make a piece of music and get someone else to come up with the ideas. What’s the fun of that?  (I Can Quotes) I love being onstage and I love to perform. To be honest with you, I’m more comfortable performing than I am in an everyday situation, which I can’t quite explain  (I Can Quotes) I can’t say enough about how I’m against drugs. Be smart, think about it, look at what it does to people, look at how much you have to experience in life and be courageous enough to do everything you want to without that chemical help  (I Can Quotes) I can guarantee you this, that more pension and benefit reforms which I will consider arbitration reform to be one of them, are things that when they come to my desk, they will be signed  (I Can Quotes) Obviously I was disappointed when it fell into disuse, because it was my own track named after me, but I am sure all those youngsters we lost will be coming back, and I certainly intend to be down here as much as I can, coaching and advising  (I Can Quotes) I have to understand what my strengths and limitations are, and work from a true place. I try to do this as best I can while still protecting my writer self, which more than ever needs privacy  (I Can Quotes) I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can save lives, or serve humanity  (I Can Quotes) I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I’m writing new songs so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can  (I Can Quotes) When I’m picking songs for an album I always want a song that I can relate to and that I have experienced. There’s nothing worse than watching an artist try and sell a song that isn’t believable coming from them  (I Can Quotes) I am not feeling any better because I cannot stay in bed, having constant cause for walking. They say I leave at night by the window of my tower, hanging from a red umbrella with which I set fire to the forest!  (I Can Quotes) Breaking the world record has always been in the works. I just need the right conditions and I can make it  (I Can Quotes) I’m plagued with indecision in my life. I can’t figure out what to order in a restaurant  (I Can Quotes) I can’t bear to see myself even in movies. The feeling is complex. I can’t stand the sight of myself  (I Can Quotes) I can’t sit back and swallow stuff. I live in a time and place, and in a country on earth where you’re not supposed to swallow it. People just gave up  (I Can Quotes) I wanna keep creating those situations for myself so I don’t have to be out front all the time. Then when I do have to be out front, I can do it to the max  (I Can Quotes) I have written 20 books, and each one is like having a baby. Writing is not easy; some people want to write books but just can’t put a story together. I can put together a story that interests both me and my readers  (I Can Quotes) I think I’m a born storyteller. Inspiration is all around me. I can read a newspaper article and come up with an idea for a book  (I Can Quotes)
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