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I Can Quotes

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I love eating in it, brushing my teeth and swallowing the toothpaste in it. I love punching the ceiling with my fists when I’m lost or I can’t find a parking space  (I Can Quotes) I can paint and draw. I believe this myself and a few other people say that they believe this too. But I’m not certain of whether it’s true  (I Can Quotes) Doctors have told me I have a high pain threshold, but I can only know what I feel. I think I’m good at minimising the pain and being indifferent to it  (I Can Quotes) I’m so uncoordinated, I can’t really do that much, so my specialty is standing in one spot or holding on to something, like an exploding rocket or a jetski  (I Can Quotes) My interest in desperation lies only in that sometimes I find myself having become desperate. Very seldom do I start out that way. I can see of course that, in the abstract, thinking and all activity is rather desperate  (I Can Quotes) My function is, as objectively and accurately as I can, to present reality to people out there, and doing that as quickly as we do is quite difficult enough, thank you  (I Can Quotes) Because up to sixteen years old you feel gymnastics more. You can show your emotion, grace, like woman gymnastics, not kid’s gymnastics. I feel I have good shape, and I can do it elements everything, but, it’s not competition for me  (I Can Quotes) I do have a library of events I can talk about and I always expect to find a different point of view on it so even if I talk about the same event in the same town it’s fresh  (I Can Quotes) I experienced a lot, and achieved nearly everything I wanted. I can enjoy that today. Go to bed at nine in the evening, because my child wakes up around seven, without having the feeling that I missed or are missing something  (I Can Quotes) It’s not that easy to find someone I can relate too. I’m tough to crack because I’m shy  (I Can Quotes) I can’t say I want to earn a particular award or sell a certain number of records, because even if I do that, the satisfaction only lasts five minutes  (I Can Quotes) I’m very glad to have something to be passionate about. I can’t imagine a life without passion  (I Can Quotes) I’m glad that I’m being acclaimed as an actor. Today, when my hard work has paid off I can chill out about it  (I Can Quotes) It takes two hands to clap! I cannot be solely blamed for what happened in my relationships! If things soured, it happened because of both parties. Not just me!  (I Can Quotes) The first books I was interested in were all about baseball. But I can’t think of one single book that changed my life in any way  (I Can Quotes) Maybe I can’t act, but I know the gimmicks. I studied acting all my life and know what’s good for me  (I Can Quotes) I can’t stress the importance of working hard enough, work on all aspects of your game. If you does that and you have the ability, you’ll come through  (I Can Quotes) I love my work. I’ve had three successful series, and I want to find out if I can make a fourth  (I Can Quotes) I think of myself as a journeyman actress. I will attempt almost anything that I think that I can bring off. It could be almost anything  (I Can Quotes) I’m an artist and I can draw very well. I’m amazed that everybody can’t draw well because I can do it so effortlessly  (I Can Quotes) My plan is to shock people with what I can do, because I’ve got a few sides to me that I’ve never used on screen  (I Can Quotes) I can understand why those primitive desert people think a camera steals their soul. It is unnatural to see yourself from the outside  (I Can Quotes) Comedy is just to me, maybe it’s a natural knack, if I can see where the joke is in the writing and I can see where the setup is and I can tell this is the way to make it  (I Can Quotes) I can remember sittin in a cafe when I first started in rodeo, and waitin until somebody got done so I could finish what they left  (I Can Quotes) I don’t know what makes a guy want to write songs and sing, but if you’ve got a message, you want to get it across. When I come up with an idea about the way I feel, I can really state it strongly in a song  (I Can Quotes) I like to work with the same people when I can, and you want to get people with the same interests that you have, and the same aesthetic  (I Can Quotes) No, I’m at full height, I’m in the studio, I can actually catch actors by the eye, it’s fantastic  (I Can Quotes) If we don’t have an informed electorate we don’t have a democracy. So I don’t care how people get the information, as long as they get it. I’m just doing it my particular way and I feel lucky I can do it the way I want to do it  (I Can Quotes) I have two main reasons for retiring. The first is I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past. That has been very, very frustrating to me throughout this past year. The second one is realizing my health, along with my family, is the most important thing in the world  (I Can Quotes) All I can say to the young players is, enjoy every moment of it. Just enjoy every moment of it. Your career goes by very quickly  (I Can Quotes)
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