I can't figure out what hurts more, you leaving me or the thought I wasn't good enough for you

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I can't figure out what hurts more, you leaving me or the thought I wasn't good enough for you
The pain of heartbreak is a unique kind of agony that can leave us feeling lost, confused, and utterly shattered. When someone we love decides to leave us, it can feel like a dagger to the heart, leaving us questioning our worth and our value as a person. The thought that we weren't good enough for them can be a crippling blow to our self-esteem and our sense of self-worth.The pain of being left by someone we love can be all-consuming, as we grapple with feelings of rejection, abandonment, and inadequacy. We may find ourselves replaying every moment of our relationship, searching for clues as to why they chose to leave us. Were we not loving enough? Were we not supportive enough? Were we not attractive enough? These questions can haunt us, tormenting us with self-doubt and self-criticism.
The thought that we weren't good enough for our partner can be a heavy burden to bear, as we struggle to come to terms with the idea that we may have been the cause of our own heartbreak. We may find ourselves comparing ourselves to others, wondering what they had that we didn't, and feeling as though we will never measure up. The pain of feeling inadequate in the eyes of someone we love can be a devastating blow to our self-esteem, leaving us feeling unworthy of love and affection.