I can't have grown people around me who need constant reassurance or attention

I can't have grown people around me who need constant reassurance or attention
As a mature adult, it can be exhausting to constantly be surrounded by individuals who require constant reassurance or attention. These attention seekers often drain the energy and patience of those around them, as they constantly seek validation and approval from others. It can be frustrating to be in a relationship or friendship with someone who is always seeking attention, as it can feel like their needs are never-ending and insatiable.Attention seekers often exhibit behaviors such as constantly seeking compliments, fishing for compliments, exaggerating their problems or accomplishments, and constantly seeking validation from others. These individuals may have low self-esteem or insecurities that drive their need for attention, but it can be challenging for those around them to constantly provide the reassurance and attention they crave.
For someone who values independence and self-sufficiency, having grown people around who constantly need reassurance or attention can be draining. It can feel like a burden to constantly be the one providing validation and attention, especially when it feels like the attention seeker is never satisfied. This can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration in relationships with attention seekers, as it can feel like their needs are never-ending and overwhelming.