I considered atheism, but there weren't enough holidays

I considered atheism, but there weren't enough holidays
As someone who was raised in a religious household, the idea of atheism was always a foreign concept to me. Growing up, I was taught to believe in a higher power and to follow the traditions and rituals of my faith. However, as I got older and began to question my beliefs, I found myself considering the possibility of atheism.The idea of atheism intrigued me because it offered a different perspective on the world and the universe. It challenged the notion of a divine being controlling our lives and instead emphasized the importance of reason and science. I found myself drawn to the idea of atheism because it seemed to offer a more logical and rational explanation for the existence of the world.
But as I delved deeper into the concept of atheism, I began to realize that there was something missing. One of the things that had always drawn me to my faith was the sense of community and the shared celebrations of holidays and festivals. These traditions had always brought me comfort and a sense of belonging, and I couldn't imagine giving them up.
I realized that one of the reasons I hesitated to fully embrace atheism was because I would be giving up these cherished traditions. Without the religious holidays and rituals that had been a part of my life for so long, I felt like something important would be missing. I couldn't imagine a life without the joy of celebrating Christmas with my family or the sense of renewal that came with Easter.