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I Do Quotes

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The kind of friend I am. What can I do? How can I help? What are we drinking?  (I Do Quotes) I don't know how much is in my bank account. And at this point, I'm afraid to look  (I Do Quotes) You, sir, I entertain for one of my hundred; only I do not like the fashion of your garments  (I Do Quotes) I do know that I have some kind of talent, something to offer. I just don't know what it is yet  (I Do Quotes) O, my Antonio, I do know of these, that therefore only are reputed wise, for saying nothing  (I Do Quotes) I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying  (I Do Quotes) Therefore I do require it, which I makes confession, to be brought reg'lar and draw'd mild  (I Do Quotes) I don't want another girl's body. I want my body, but leaner, stronger and healthier!  (I Do Quotes) I don't know now if I'm funny. I just keep talking and hope that I hit something that's funny  (I Do Quotes) It's not that I don't feel the pain, it's just that I'm not afraid of it hurting anymore  (I Do Quotes) I do not think that marriage is one of my talents. I've been much happier unmarried than married  (I Do Quotes) It's not easy being 5'1. There is an entire world up there that I don't even know about  (I Do Quotes) I don't care about that prize. But I'm gonna win because I want his happiness to go away  (I Do Quotes) I have been forced to do many things I don't enjoy, like write things down and speak with people  (I Do Quotes) If I was sick, could I do this? What are you doing? Cartwheels. Am I not doing them? No  (I Do Quotes) I don't know what to do. Me neither. You give such good advice. Babe, I love you  (I Do Quotes) I don't like lotion. I like my hands to be cracked and calloused like a railway worker  (I Do Quotes) Got enough leg room back there? Yeah, yeah. You don't have to sit up so far. Yeah, I do  (I Do Quotes) I don't even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Actually, it's gonna bug me if I don't  (I Do Quotes) I don't at all like knowing what people say of me behind my back. It makes me far too conceited  (I Do Quotes) I don't want money. It is only people who pay their bills who want that, and I never pay mine  (I Do Quotes) I've had to keep exploring different ways of presenting the music so I don't repeat myself  (I Do Quotes) I'm taking Viagra and drinking prune juice - I don't know if I'm coming or going  (I Do Quotes) I tell ya, my wife's a lousy cook. After dinner, I don't brush my teeth. I count them  (I Do Quotes) I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don't know if it's possible forever and ever  (I Do Quotes) The police and I have a deal. I don't talk to them and they don't listen to me  (I Do Quotes) I don't care what consequence it brings, I have been a fool for lesser things  (I Do Quotes) I never said I wasn't going to play any more. I don't know where that came from  (I Do Quotes) I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring  (I Do Quotes) Let me be clear about this. I don't have a drug problem. I have a police problem  (I Do Quotes)
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