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I Do Quotes

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The day, water, sun, moon, night - I do not have to purchase these things with money  (I Do Quotes) I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that  (I Do Quotes) People often ask me how I make things funny. I don't make things funny  (I Do Quotes) If now isn't a good time for the truth I don't see when we'll get to it  (I Do Quotes) I like doing yoga. I do yoga three times a week and I do Pilates twice  (I Do Quotes) I don't set out to offend or shock, but I also don't do anything to avoid it  (I Do Quotes) I don't care if you think I'm racist. I just want you to think I'm thin  (I Do Quotes) I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated  (I Do Quotes) I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of established religion  (I Do Quotes) If technique is of no interest to a writer, I doubt that the writer is an artist  (I Do Quotes) I do everything I think possible or acceptable to escape from this trap  (I Do Quotes) I don't mind you thinking I'm stupid, but don't talk to me like I'm stupid  (I Do Quotes) I hope I won't become hated by geeks everywhere, but I don't really know comic books all that well  (I Do Quotes) But I don't necessarily define my faith by going to church every Sunday  (I Do Quotes) What I do as best I can is out of a deep respect for children, for how difficult their world is  (I Do Quotes) I don't listen to the radio very much, but that could be because I don't have a car  (I Do Quotes) My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel; I know not where I am nor what I do  (I Do Quotes) By heaven, I do love: and it hath taught me to rhyme, and to be melancholy  (I Do Quotes) I don't excercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor  (I Do Quotes) I grew up very religious, and I don't have a great relationship with religion  (I Do Quotes) Being able to still make records is a privilege. I don't take it casually  (I Do Quotes) I don't think I am an actress. I think I've created a brand and a business  (I Do Quotes) Usually I do everything reverse. I practice something in movies and then I try it in real life  (I Do Quotes) I don't think it's the responsibility of gays and lesbians to reinvent the family  (I Do Quotes) I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves  (I Do Quotes) I'm not a marketing person. I don't ask myself questions. I go by instinct  (I Do Quotes) I don't care if people I admire criticize me because their opinion is valuable to me  (I Do Quotes) Why should I stop working? If I do, I'll die and it'll all be finished  (I Do Quotes) I have moved to a smaller house in Paris, and I don't fancy having so much staff now  (I Do Quotes) At my age, I don't need to be a sexy bundle of muscles, thank you very much  (I Do Quotes)
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