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I Do Quotes

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I don't understand the change of hair...Frankly, the fringe was a bad idea. It's not good  (I Do Quotes) I am like a TV antenna. I catch everything that is in the air, and then I do it my way  (I Do Quotes) If I were a woman, I would love to have lots of kids. But for men, I don't believe in it  (I Do Quotes) I don't think you can write novels on the road. You need a certain stability  (I Do Quotes) Now, everything I do, I do because I want to. And I believe the best is yet to come  (I Do Quotes) I do not want a husband who honours me as a queen, if he does not love me as a woman  (I Do Quotes) Well I don't know because I don't have a real relationship with the industry  (I Do Quotes) I don't tend to question things that much. If it feels right, I go for it  (I Do Quotes) Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday  (I Do Quotes) I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to go crazy. I don't party like I used to  (I Do Quotes) I've heard myself referred to as a quiet superstar, and I don't quite know what that means  (I Do Quotes) I do like books on anatomy. I have to say I'm an amateur physician, I guess  (I Do Quotes) Advice is very easy to give, and even easier not to follow, so I don't fool with it  (I Do Quotes) I don't ask for the sights in front of me to change, only the depth of my seeing  (I Do Quotes) I don't like religion much, and I am glad that in the Bible the word is not to be found  (I Do Quotes) I don't usually eat breakfast. I prefer to be asleep during the hours that it is served  (I Do Quotes) Believe it or not, perhaps I don't show it much, or well, but I think I like people  (I Do Quotes) I don't have any authority over Linux other than this notion that I know what I'm doing  (I Do Quotes) Every movie I make, that's my hideout, the place I don't quite understand but feel most at home  (I Do Quotes) I will never apologize for the United States of America - I don't care what the facts are  (I Do Quotes) I do have a fantasy life in which I can grout bathrooms - but not for a living  (I Do Quotes) Love's an excuse to get hurt and to hurt. Do you like to hurt? I do, I do then hurt me  (I Do Quotes) I'm not ashamed to dress "like a woman" because I don't think it's shameful to be a woman  (I Do Quotes) I don't understand the process of imagination-though I know that I am very much at it's mercy  (I Do Quotes) I don't think the 'what' distinguishes a good novel from a bad one but rather the 'how.'  (I Do Quotes) I do not want to just read books, I want to climb inside them and live there  (I Do Quotes) I don't understand bus lanes. Why do poor people have to get to places quicker than I do?  (I Do Quotes) I do not just write, I write what I am. If there is a secret, perhaps that is it  (I Do Quotes) There are times when I don't take roles because I don't want to be perceived a certain way  (I Do Quotes) I don't believe in the afterlife, so I do think when somebody passes, it's worthy of note  (I Do Quotes)
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