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I Do Quotes

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I don’t mind going into a liberal lion’s den. That’s where you test yourself  (I Do Quotes) I don’t fink it’s sewious, but we better cuddle just in case  (I Do Quotes) Honestly, I don’t read the press. I don’t know what they’re saying  (I Do Quotes) I’ve lived next door to people all my life. I don’t know how cute they think I am  (I Do Quotes) I don’t need any more stories. I have enough stories. I need a life  (I Do Quotes) As for doing more dramatic work over comedy, I do whatever turns me on at the moment  (I Do Quotes) I don’t want an opportunity to go missing because of my lack of organization  (I Do Quotes) I don’t think anyone knows as much about what’s right for me as I do  (I Do Quotes) I’ve seen the real extreme diva behaviour and I don’t think that’s who I am  (I Do Quotes) Death is only going to happen to you once; I don’t want to miss it  (I Do Quotes) When he said to give him the sword, I don’t think he meant for you to stick it in his guts  (I Do Quotes) I do not love thee, sabidius, nor can I say why; this only I can say, I do not love thee  (I Do Quotes) I don’t care that they stole my idea.. I care that they don’t have any of their own  (I Do Quotes) I’m incapable of hiding my feelings when I’m around someone I don’t like  (I Do Quotes) I don’t know where I’m running now, I’m just running on  (I Do Quotes) Everyone’s moving on without me, into a world I don’t understand  (I Do Quotes) I don’t want to have a relationship with someone if I’m not going to work with them  (I Do Quotes) Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear, and when I do, it’s usually something unusual  (I Do Quotes) Every time I find myself stressed out, it’s because I do things primarily driven by growth  (I Do Quotes) And I don’t like to work. I only like working when I’m working  (I Do Quotes) One of the issues of social networking silos is that they have the data and I don’t  (I Do Quotes) I read pretty voraciously. If it’s good, I don’t care what it is  (I Do Quotes) I don’t know much about Angola, but I know one thing, they’re in a lot of trouble  (I Do Quotes) Let me tell you something; I do hate myself, but it has nothing to do with being Jewish  (I Do Quotes) I wouldn’t mind leaving myself behind if I could, but I don’t know the way out  (I Do Quotes) I don’t care what you call me, as long as you don’t call me late to dinner  (I Do Quotes) But I don’t want to lose touch with things like eating in Bob’s Big Boy  (I Do Quotes) I don’t miss the economic insecurity, the living paycheck to paycheck  (I Do Quotes) I don’t believe in a conspiracy to hide the existence of extraterrestrial life  (I Do Quotes) I don’t know how anybody gets better at anything aside from doing it  (I Do Quotes)
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