I don't forgive people because I'm weak, I forgive them because I am strong enough to know people make mistakes

I don't forgive people because I'm weak, I forgive them because I am strong enough to know people make mistakes
Forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness, as if letting go of anger and resentment somehow diminishes our strength. However, the truth is quite the opposite. Forgiveness requires a great deal of inner strength and courage. It takes a strong person to look past the hurt and betrayal, to set aside their own feelings of anger and resentment, and to offer forgiveness to those who have wronged them.When we forgive someone, we are not excusing their behavior or saying that what they did was okay. Instead, we are choosing to release ourselves from the burden of carrying around that anger and bitterness. We are choosing to let go of the negative emotions that are holding us back and preventing us from moving forward.
Forgiveness is a powerful act of self-love and self-care. It allows us to free ourselves from the chains of the past and to create space for healing and growth. It takes strength to confront our own pain and to choose to let it go, rather than holding onto it and allowing it to fester and consume us.
Forgiveness is also an act of empathy and compassion. It requires us to see the humanity in others, to recognize that we are all flawed and imperfect beings who make mistakes. It takes strength to extend grace and understanding to those who have hurt us, to see beyond their actions and to recognize their inherent worth and dignity.
Ultimately, forgiveness is a reflection of our own inner strength and resilience. It is a testament to our ability to rise above our circumstances and to choose love and compassion over anger and resentment. It is a powerful reminder that we are in control of our own emotions and that we have the power to shape our own destinies.
So, when I say that I forgive people not because I am weak, but because I am strong enough to know that people make mistakes, I am affirming my own inner strength and resilience. I am choosing to let go of the past and to embrace a future filled with love, compassion, and forgiveness. And in doing so, I am empowering myself to live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.