I don't like complaining, but I also don't like holding things in

I don't like complaining, but I also don't like holding things in
Complaining is a natural human behavior that often arises when we are faced with challenges or frustrations. While some people may see complaining as a negative trait, it can actually be a healthy way to express our emotions and seek solutions to our problems. However, there is a fine line between constructive complaining and simply venting without any intention of finding a resolution.For many people, complaining can be a way to release pent-up emotions and frustrations. It can feel cathartic to vocalize our grievances and share our struggles with others. However, constantly complaining without taking any action to address the underlying issues can be counterproductive and can lead to a cycle of negativity.
On the other hand, holding things in and refusing to express our frustrations can also be detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being. Bottling up our emotions can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems. It is important to find a balance between expressing our frustrations and seeking solutions to our problems.