I don't usually want to cuddle, but when I do, you're wearing black and about to leave for work

I don't usually want to cuddle, but when I do, you're wearing black and about to leave for work
Cuddling is not something that I typically crave or seek out in my daily life. I am an independent person who values my personal space and alone time. However, there are moments when the desire to cuddle unexpectedly creeps up on me, catching me off guard and leaving me longing for the warmth and comfort of another person's embrace.One such moment occurred recently when my partner was getting ready to leave for work. As I watched them button up their crisp black shirt and slip on their polished shoes, a sudden wave of affection washed over me. I felt a strong urge to pull them close and hold them tight, to feel their heartbeat against mine and bask in the intimacy of our connection.
It was a strange and unfamiliar sensation for me, as I am not usually one to express my emotions so openly or freely. But in that moment, all I wanted was to wrap my arms around them and linger in the quiet stillness of our shared embrace.
As they turned to leave, I hesitated for a moment before finally giving in to my impulse. I reached out and pulled them back towards me, pressing my body against theirs and burying my face in the crook of their neck. The warmth of their skin and the scent of their cologne enveloped me, filling me with a sense of contentment and peace.