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I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask,

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"

Eve Merriam was a prolific American poet and playwright known for her powerful and thought-provoking works that often tackled social and political issues. One of her most famous quotes is, “I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, 'Mother, what was war?'” This quote encapsulates Merriam's desire for a world free from the horrors of war and violence, and her hope for a future generation that will not have to experience the devastation that comes with armed conflict.

Merriam's words are a poignant reminder of the impact that war has on individuals, families, and societies as a whole. War brings about destruction, loss, and suffering on a massive scale, leaving scars that can last for generations. The idea of a child growing up in a world where war is a distant memory is a powerful and hopeful vision, one that speaks to the universal desire for peace and harmony.

In her work, Merriam often explored themes of justice, equality, and the human experience. She was a passionate advocate for social change and used her poetry to shed light on the injustices and inequalities that exist in the world. The quote, “I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, 'Mother, what was war?'” can be seen as a call to action, a plea for a world where conflict is resolved through dialogue and understanding rather than violence and aggression.

Merriam's words also speak to the importance of education and awareness in shaping the future. By raising children who are curious, compassionate, and informed, we can help create a world where war is no longer a reality. Through teaching our children about the consequences of war and the importance of peace, we can work towards building a more peaceful and just society.
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