I exist in a state of almost perpetual hysteria

I exist in a state of almost perpetual hysteria
I exist in a state of almost perpetual hysteria when it comes to the idea of being stung. The mere thought of a sharp, piercing pain shooting through my skin sends shivers down my spine and sets my heart racing. Whether it be a bee, wasp, or any other stinging insect, the fear of their venomous sting consumes me.I remember the first time I was stung by a bee. I was a child playing in the backyard when suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my arm. I looked down to see a bee buzzing away, leaving behind its stinger embedded in my skin. The pain was intense, but it was the fear of the unknown that truly terrified me. Would I have an allergic reaction? Would I need medical attention? These thoughts raced through my mind as I frantically tried to remove the stinger.
Since that day, I have developed a deep-seated fear of being stung. I avoid outdoor activities where stinging insects are present, and I always carry an EpiPen just in case. The fear of an allergic reaction or the pain of a sting haunts me constantly, causing me to live in a state of almost perpetual hysteria.
Even the sight or sound of a buzzing insect sends me into a panic. I find myself constantly on edge, scanning my surroundings for any signs of danger. The fear of being stung has become a constant presence in my life, dictating my actions and limiting my experiences.
Despite my best efforts to overcome this fear, it continues to hold me captive. I know that the chances of being stung are relatively low, but the fear of the unknown is a powerful force. I exist in a state of almost perpetual hysteria, constantly on guard against the threat of a sting.