I Give Up Quotes
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Text Quotes
I tried, you didn't, I'm done (I Give Up Quotes)
Physically, mentally, emotionally tired (I Give Up Quotes)
Whatever. I don't care. I'm done (I Give Up Quotes)
I tried. I tried. I tried. I tried. I tried. I tried. I'm tired (I Give Up Quotes)
Pointless (I Give Up Quotes)
Forget that idiot (I Give Up Quotes)
I'm letting go. You let go a long time ago, and I realize that it is time for me to do the same (I Give Up Quotes)
Quit while you're ahead (I Give Up Quotes)
I left because you never asked me to stay (I Give Up Quotes)
Have a nice life. I am done trying to be in it (I Give Up Quotes)
I'm deleting you from my life (I Give Up Quotes)
Bye kids, we quit (I Give Up Quotes)
I’m so frustrated with you (I Give Up Quotes)
I just can’t (I Give Up Quotes)
My boss can change his own damn sign, I quit (I Give Up Quotes)
I'm gonna go to bed for a few days (I Give Up Quotes)
I'm tired, not like sleepy tired, just tired of everything (I Give Up Quotes)
Sick of crying, tired of trying (I Give Up Quotes)
You had your chance. You blew it (I Give Up Quotes)
By the time you read this i'll be gone (I Give Up Quotes)
It's time to move on, my dear (I Give Up Quotes)
Can I say? I am a pathetic disaster, an I give up (I Give Up Quotes)
You're going to make it. It'll be hard, but you're going to make it (I Give Up Quotes)
I gave up on certain people a long time ago (I Give Up Quotes)
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then give up. There's no use in being a damn fool about it (I Give Up Quotes)
I only get ill when I give up drugs (I Give Up Quotes)
If I give up the viewpoint of action, my perfect nakedness is revealed to me (I Give Up Quotes)
I am not a tentative person. Whatever I do, I give up my whole self to it (I Give Up Quotes)
I cling to my anger with every ounce of humanity left in my ruined body, but it’s no use. It slips away, like a wave from shore. I am pondering this sad fact when I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head. It’s been there awhile, biding it’s time and growing closer with each revolution. I give up on rage, which at this point has become a formality, and make a mental note to get angry again in the morning. Then I let myself drift, because there’s really no fighting it (I Give Up Quotes)
I just go into the studio, look at the lyrics for the first time when I put them on the piano, and go. If I haven’t got it within 40 minutes, I give up. It’s never changed, the thrill has never gone, because I don’t know what I’m going to get next (I Give Up Quotes)
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