I guess things were just going to well for me

I guess things were just going to well for me
I guess things were just going too well for me. I mean, who wouldn't want everything to be going perfectly in their life, right? It's just so boring when everything is going smoothly and there are no obstacles to overcome. I was getting tired of waking up every day feeling happy and content, so I guess it was about time for something to go wrong.I was starting to get used to the idea of being successful and happy, but I guess that was just too much to ask for. It's like the universe decided that I was getting too comfortable and needed a reality check. So, it threw a curveball my way just to keep me on my toes.
I should have known better than to think that things would continue to go well for me. I mean, who am I to think that I deserve to be happy and successful? Clearly, I must have done something to deserve this sudden turn of events. Maybe I was too confident or too optimistic. Or maybe I was just too naive to think that life could actually be good for once.
But hey, I guess I should be grateful for this little setback. It's a reminder that life is unpredictable and that I shouldn't get too comfortable. It's a wake-up call to remind me that I'm not invincible and that bad things can happen to anyone, even me.
So, thank you, universe, for reminding me that things were just going too well for me. I appreciate the reality check and I promise to never get too comfortable again. Because who needs happiness and success when you can have a good old dose of sarcasm and irony instead?