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I have always known it was you

I have always known it was you Picture Quote #1

I have always known it was you

Love is a powerful force that can transcend time and space, connecting two souls in a way that is unexplainable yet undeniable. When you find that special someone who completes you in every way, it's as if you have always known them, even before you met. The phrase "I have always known it was you" perfectly encapsulates the deep connection and understanding that exists between two people who are meant to be together.

From the moment you first laid eyes on them, there was a spark, a feeling of recognition that you couldn't quite explain. It's as if your souls recognized each other, even if your minds and bodies were meeting for the first time. This sense of familiarity and comfort is what sets true love apart from any other relationship.

When you say "I have always known it was you" to your partner, you are acknowledging the deep bond that exists between you. It's a recognition of the fact that no matter what obstacles or challenges may come your way, you will always find your way back to each other. This phrase is a declaration of unwavering love and commitment, a promise to stand by each other through thick and thin.
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