I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone

I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone
Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the Catholic Church. Known for his deep love of nature, his humility, and his commitment to serving the poor, Francis is often seen as a model of holiness and virtue. However, his early life was far from saintly. Born into a wealthy family in Assisi, Italy, Francis lived a life of luxury and indulgence. He was known for his love of parties, his extravagant spending, and his pursuit of pleasure.But all of that changed when Francis had a profound spiritual experience that led him to renounce his former way of life and embrace a life of poverty and service to others. He famously stripped off his clothes in the town square, renouncing his father's wealth and declaring his commitment to living a life of simplicity and humility. From that moment on, Francis dedicated himself to serving the poor, caring for the sick, and preaching the gospel.
The quote, "I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone," is often attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi. This quote reflects Francis's deep sense of humility and his belief in the transformative power of God's grace. Despite his past sins and failings, Francis believed that God could work through him to bring about great good in the world. This belief was the driving force behind his life of service and self-sacrifice.
Throughout his life, Francis continued to struggle with his own weaknesses and imperfections. He was known for his fiery temper, his impatience, and his struggles with self-doubt. But through it all, Francis remained steadfast in his faith and his commitment to serving God and others. He saw himself as a vessel for God's grace, a flawed and imperfect instrument through which God could work miracles.
Saint Francis of Assisi's life is a powerful reminder that God can work through anyone, regardless of their past sins or failings. Francis's journey from a life of selfishness and sin to a life of holiness and service is a testament to the transformative power of God's love. His example continues to inspire and challenge us to live lives of humility, compassion, and service to others.