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I have found people don't want to be told. That they can figure it out

I have found people don't want to be told. That they can figure it out Picture Quote #1

I have found people don't want to be told. That they can figure it out

Bob Woodward, the renowned investigative journalist and author, is no stranger to uncovering the truth and revealing the inner workings of those in power. Throughout his career, Woodward has delved deep into the world of politics and government, shining a light on the often murky and secretive dealings of those in positions of authority. However, one of the key lessons Woodward has learned over the years is that people don't want to be told what to think or believe. Instead, they want to be able to figure things out for themselves.

Woodward's approach to journalism is rooted in the belief that his role is not to dictate the narrative or tell people what to think, but rather to present the facts and let readers come to their own conclusions. This philosophy is evident in his meticulous research and reporting, which often involves hours of interviews, document analysis, and fact-checking to ensure that his work is accurate and unbiased.
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