I have little shame, no dignity - all in the name of a better cause
I have little shame, no dignity - all in the name of a better cause
A.J. Jacobs is a well-known author and journalist who is no stranger to pushing the boundaries in the name of a better cause. He is known for his immersive and often outrageous experiments in which he fully immerses himself in a particular lifestyle or belief system in order to gain a deeper understanding of it and share his experiences with the world.In his book "The Year of Living Biblically," Jacobs spent an entire year following the rules and guidelines laid out in the Bible as literally as possible. This meant adhering to strict dietary restrictions, wearing only clothing made of natural fibers, and even stoning adulterers (albeit with pebbles) as the Bible commands. Jacobs fully embraced the absurdity of some of these rules, but he did so in the name of a better cause - to gain insight into the world of religious fundamentalism and to explore the impact that following such strict guidelines can have on one's life.
Similarly, in his book "Drop Dead Healthy," Jacobs embarked on a quest to become the healthiest person alive. This meant subjecting himself to a wide range of bizarre and often humiliating health practices, from wearing a posture-correcting shirt to using a treadmill desk to walking around with a giant water jug strapped to his back. Jacobs fully embraced the absurdity of these practices, but he did so in the name of a better cause - to explore the world of extreme health and wellness and to share his findings with his readers.
In both of these experiments, Jacobs demonstrated a willingness to set aside his own shame and dignity in order to pursue a greater understanding of the world around him. He was willing to make himself vulnerable, to look foolish, and to endure discomfort all in the name of a better cause - whether that cause was gaining insight into religious fundamentalism or exploring the world of extreme health and wellness.