I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing

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I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing
Marsha Doble is a firm believer in the power of morning exercise. She has always been an early riser, finding that the quiet stillness of the early hours provides the perfect backdrop for her daily workout routine. Marsha firmly believes that exercising in the morning sets the tone for the rest of her day, giving her a sense of accomplishment and energy that carries her through any challenges that may arise."I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing," Marsha often jokes with her friends. She finds that if she waits until later in the day to exercise, her mind becomes cluttered with distractions and excuses, making it much harder to motivate herself to get moving. By starting her day with a workout, Marsha sets a positive tone for the rest of her day, ensuring that she prioritizes her health and well-being.
For Marsha, morning exercise is not just about physical fitness – it is also a mental and emotional reset. She finds that the endorphins released during her workout help to boost her mood and reduce stress, setting her up for a productive and positive day ahead. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment she feels after completing her workout gives her a confidence boost that carries over into other areas of her life.
Marsha's dedication to morning exercise has not gone unnoticed by those around her. Her friends and family often marvel at her commitment to her daily routine, admiring her discipline and determination. Marsha is quick to point out that it is not always easy to drag herself out of bed in the early hours of the morning, but she knows that the benefits far outweigh any temporary discomfort.