I kept trying to tell people that just because I was young didn't mean I could speak for all young people

I kept trying to tell people that just because I was young didn't mean I could speak for all young people
As a young person, I often found myself in situations where I was expected to speak on behalf of my entire generation. Whether it was in a classroom discussion, a family gathering, or a political debate, people would often turn to me and ask for my perspective as a young person. While I appreciated the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences, I quickly realized that my opinions were not representative of all young people.This became especially apparent to me during the 2020 presidential election, when Joe Biden was running for office. As a young voter, I was constantly bombarded with questions and assumptions about how I, as a member of the younger generation, would vote. Many people assumed that because I was young, I would automatically support Biden and his policies. However, I knew that this was not the case for all young people.
I kept trying to tell people that just because I was young didn't mean I could speak for all young people. I knew that my views were shaped by my own unique experiences, beliefs, and values, and that other young people may have different perspectives. I wanted to emphasize the importance of recognizing the diversity of opinions within the younger generation and not making assumptions based on age alone.
When it came to Joe Biden, I knew that he had a strong appeal to many young voters, particularly those who were passionate about issues like climate change, racial justice, and healthcare. However, I also knew that there were young people who had reservations about Biden and his policies. Some felt that he did not go far enough on certain issues, while others were concerned about his past record on criminal justice and other issues.
I believed that it was important for young people to engage in critical thinking and make informed decisions based on their own research and values. I encouraged my peers to educate themselves about the candidates and their platforms, and to vote based on what they believed was best for the country. I wanted to challenge the stereotype that all young people think and vote the same way, and to emphasize the importance of individual agency and autonomy in the political process.