I learned have, not to despise, what ever thing seemes small in common eyes

I learned have, not to despise, what ever thing seemes small in common eyes
Edmund Spenser, a renowned English poet of the Elizabethan era, is best known for his epic poem "The Faerie Queene." In this work, Spenser explores themes of chivalry, virtue, and the struggle between good and evil. One of the key lessons that Spenser imparts through his poetry is the importance of not underestimating the value of seemingly insignificant things.The quote "I learned have, not to despise, what ever thing seemes small in common eyes" encapsulates this idea perfectly. Spenser believed that there is value in everything, no matter how insignificant it may seem at first glance. He encourages his readers to look beyond the surface and appreciate the hidden beauty and significance in all things.