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I like imagination - and the way I think things could be, had been, or should be - better than reality

I like imagination - and the way I think things could be, had been, or should be - better than reality Picture Quote #1

I like imagination - and the way I think things could be, had been, or should be - better than reality

Karl Lagerfeld, the iconic fashion designer known for his creative vision and innovative designs, was a firm believer in the power of imagination. Throughout his illustrious career, Lagerfeld constantly pushed the boundaries of fashion and art, creating a world that was both fantastical and aspirational. His ability to envision the future of fashion and design was unparalleled, and he often expressed his preference for the world of imagination over reality.

Lagerfeld once famously said, "I like imagination - and the way I think things could be, had been, or should be - better than reality." This statement perfectly encapsulates his approach to creativity and design. Lagerfeld was not content with simply accepting the status quo; he constantly sought to challenge conventional norms and push the boundaries of what was possible. His imagination knew no bounds, and he was always looking for new ways to innovate and inspire.

In Lagerfeld's world, reality was merely a starting point. He believed that true creativity came from the ability to envision a world that was different from the one we currently inhabit. By tapping into the power of imagination, Lagerfeld was able to create fashion collections that were both timeless and ahead of their time. His ability to think outside the box and imagine new possibilities set him apart from his contemporaries and solidified his status as a true visionary.

For Lagerfeld, imagination was not just a tool for creating beautiful clothes; it was a way of life. He approached every aspect of his work with a sense of wonder and curiosity, constantly seeking out new ideas and inspiration. His ability to see the world through a different lens allowed him to create fashion that was both innovative and groundbreaking.
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