I Love Coffee Quotes

Text Quotes
I love how you just make coffee and then somehow something gets done (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love coffee. I love a midday espresso on set, just for the energy. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I drink coffee like other men paint pictures of naked women. I do it because I love the full body. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love detail, like drawing what’s on top of someone’s coffee table. Maybe there’s a little bowl of butterscotch candies on it, next to the four TV remotes. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
My I love you was a measured response, like one gallon of coffee in one cup of sugar. It was just overflowing with an awakening of my soul. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I’m obsessed with Starbucks seasonal flavors. I love their seasonal cups. I love their pumpkin-flavored coffee. I love that. I absolutely love, love, love Starbucks seasonal everything. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I want a coffee machine that runs on gasoline and drives me to work. We can make love in the backseat, next to the cream and sugar. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I really am a smoothie person. I love making a morning smoothie and then will drink some coffee and will not eat at all before lunch. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love the hour in makeup. It gives you time to think and have a cup of coffee. It’s my favorite part of the day. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
When I travel on an airplane, I like to be served TWA milk and TWA coffee. But I love to be served TWA tea. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love the morning time - a cup of coffee and to sit at the piano, that’s probably my favorite time. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I sing like a flower, and I dance like a tree. Let us make love like an overflowing cup of coffee. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
There’s nothing that I love more than predawn. I’m with the dogs, I make coffee, and there’s no one up. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love cranberry juice, but I’m not a coffee drinker - as a Mormon, I avoid caffeine (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love coffee. It’s one of my favorite things in the world, and I love tasting different coffees. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
My cup is full of air. I should empty it and fill it with love. Or coffee, as the two are synonymous to me. (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I look at the world and I see absurdity all around me. People do strange things constantly, to the point that, for the most part, we manage not to see it. That’s why I love coffee shops and public places - I mean, they’re all out there (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love coffee, I love tea, I love the Java Jive, and it loves me. Coffee and tea and the Java and me, A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup (I Love Coffee Quotes)
We went to Austria to train and it was so peaceful. And I love coffee and the coffee was great (I Love Coffee Quotes)
I love coffee (I Love Coffee Quotes)
But I love New York. I used to set my alarm clock when I was there, and get up at 4am and get a coffee, just because I could (I Love Coffee Quotes)