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I Me Quotes

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Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that's just like the rules of feminism!  (I Me Quotes) You have no idea how humiliating it was, as a boy, to suddenly have all your clothes, your toys, snatched by the bailiff. I mean we were a middle-class family, it's not as if it was happening up and down the street. It made me ashamed, I felt dirty  (I Me Quotes) As a matter of fact, I've been to Italy many times before I met my husband, which he can't even imagine that I could possibly know anything about Italian food. But, you know, Italian food's really basic, and there's so many different variations on it that what my husband did is he broke it down for me  (I Me Quotes) For me, its like go ahead and eat. Live your life. I mean, I've just seen so much death, you know, as of late, being in my 40s, of people getting sick or, you know, whatever, that I just feel like, you know what? You never know with life. Eat. Enjoy yourself. Just try to be healthy and, you know, and watch it  (I Me Quotes) Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism but it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age you're not allowed to be adventurous, you're not allowed to be sexual. I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die?  (I Me Quotes) Books of the avant-garde either establish themselves as books of lasting value, or they slip from the rear guard into the discard, and I believe the writers I mentioned have not proven trivial  (I Me Quotes) Foolish people - when I say foolish people in this contemptuous way I mean people who entertain different opinions to mine. If there is one person I do despise more than another, it is the man who does not think exactly the same on all topics as I do  (I Me Quotes) Do you see, Solange, that you are the only woman in my world? The one woman who can choose life or death for me. You are the center of my world and you always will be. When I tell you that your pleasure is mine, I mean that literally  (I Me Quotes) One of the best kept secrets among Christians today is this: Jesus paid it all. I mean all. He not only purchased your forgiveness of sins and your ticket to heaven, He purchased every blessing and every answer to prayer you will ever receive. Every one of them - no exceptions  (I Me Quotes) I mean you well, Perses, you great idiot, and I will tell you. Look, badness is easy to have, you can take it by handfuls without effort. The road that way is smooth and starts here beside you. But between us and virtue the immortals have put what will make us sweat. The road to virtue is long and goes steep up hill, hard climbing at first, but the last of it, when you get to the summit (if you get there) is easy going after the hard part  (I Me Quotes) When I say that we must establish values with originate in sisterhood, I mean to say that we must not accept, even for a moment, male notions of what non-violence is. These notions have never condemned the systematic violence against us. The men who hold these notions have never renounced the male behaviors, privileges, values and conceits which are in and of themselves acts of violence against us  (I Me Quotes) What you see is what you see, but that is never everything. Sarajavo is Sarajevo whatever you see or don't see. America is America. The past and future exist without you. And what you don't know about me is still my life. What I don't know about you is still your life. Nothing at all depends on you seeing it or not seeing it. I mean, who are you? You don't have to see or know everything  (I Me Quotes) In Gilead, the narrator's friend's son describes himself not as an atheist but in "state of categorical unbelief. " He says, "I don't even believe God doesn't exist, if you see what I mean. " I pointed this passage out to Mom and said it closely matched my own views - I just didn't think about religion  (I Me Quotes) I miss you so much your absence causes me, at times, accute pain. I don't mean sexually. I mean in connection with my writing  (I Me Quotes) Childishness? I think it's the equivalent of never losing your sense of humor. I mean, there's a certain something that you retain. It's the equivalent of not getting so stuffy that you can't laugh at others  (I Me Quotes) I mean your borrowers of books - those mutilators of collections, spoilers of the symmetry of shelves, and creators of odd volumes  (I Me Quotes) By spiritually I merely mean that I feel I have good in my soul and am inclined to follow the correct course of action given a prescribed set of circumstances  (I Me Quotes) [Response when asked which film directors he most admired:] I like the old masters, by which I mean John Ford, John Ford, and John Ford  (I Me Quotes) Now how can anybody look at that and not believe in God? I mean, how can anybody look at this and not believe there is some higher power, some divine force at work in the universe greater than Man, some god that created it, that created all this, that created us?  (I Me Quotes) Get rid of the guns. We had the Second Amendment that said you have the right to bear arms. I haven't seen the British really coming by my house looking for it. And besides, the right to bear arms is not an absolute right anyway, as New York's Sullivan Law proves. We talk about ourselves as a violent society, and some of that is right and some of it is claptrap. But I think if you took away the guns, and I mean really take away the guns, not what Congress is doing now, you would see that violent society diminish considerably  (I Me Quotes) Perhaps I am too tame, too domestic a magician. But how does one work up a little madness? I meet with mad people every day in the street, but I never thought before to wonder how they got mad. Perhaps I should go wandering on lonely moors and barren shores. That is always a popular place for lunatics - in novels and plays at any rate. Perhaps wild England will make me mad  (I Me Quotes) Kind of like the tree that falls in the forest when nobody's around? I mean, if nobody remembers the history, did it still happen?  (I Me Quotes) I mean, maybe under the surface, somewhere that's hard to see, I've known it had to end for a long time. I just never thought I'd be the one to end it  (I Me Quotes) A lot of women don't know how to love because there's deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark reasons  (I Me Quotes) When I met your father, it was magic. Not for him - not then - but for me. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can look into a pair of eyes and see your whole future  (I Me Quotes) You're fond, I imagine of your right eye? I mean, you've gone to the trouble of putting make up on it  (I Me Quotes) I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man  (I Me Quotes) Still, one of the few good things about being dyslexic is that when I say I don't read reviews, I mean I don't read reviews  (I Me Quotes) What I mean is, I love winter, and when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love  (I Me Quotes) What you look like on the outside is not what makes you cool at all. I mean, I had a mullet and wore parachute pants for a long, long time, and I'm doin' okay  (I Me Quotes)
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