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I Me Quotes

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I was just a lot smarter about not getting caught. I mean, I never stuck anything in my arm, but I certainly enjoyed my youth  (I Me Quotes) You know, when you can play with the greatest players of that particular era, you look forward to going to the ballpark. I mean, you thought it was great to be there in the clubhouse. You thought it was great to be on the field  (I Me Quotes) I said if I made 10 films in my life, I would be very lucky. That’s how I meant it. My fear after my first one was whether they would let me make another one, so I had this goal in my head  (I Me Quotes) One day I undertook a tour through the country, and the diversity and beauties of nature I met with in this charming season, expelled every gloomy and vexatious thought  (I Me Quotes) I’ve never done a film before where every single person in the audience knows the ending. I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days. People are blogging your endings from their cinema seats  (I Me Quotes) I mean, I try to say the right things and give the right advice. But still, I’m only a person  (I Me Quotes) I mean, money people are usually quite brisk, but mine aren’t, and they keep on giving me spaces so that I’ve been able to go on and do plays and films  (I Me Quotes) I can’t promise to love someone for ever. I can’t imagine anyone could promise to love me for ever. I mean, it sounds like a lovely day, but I go to red carpet events all the time and I’m the centre of attention so it’s not like I’m looking for that!  (I Me Quotes) I mean if you put all of your eggs in one basket, boy, and that thing blows up you’ve got a real problem  (I Me Quotes) I think there’s something very lovely and hilarious about exploring the particular neuroses of the female mind. It’s just not the same thing with men. I mean, there are exceptions, but for the most part, women beat themselves up in their heads more. They overanalyze stuff far more than men do  (I Me Quotes) Most of the time I meet my trainer at the gym and we do a lot of everything: weights circuit with cardio, football drills, sprinting with weights on the treadmill  (I Me Quotes) I actually feel sorry for people who have a lot of illusions in their head about what gay is. I mean, I know some gay people who are really wonderful people  (I Me Quotes) I was not allowed to take notes but my friend and I memorised those two and a half pages. Most people talked to me because of the warning. They knew this book was not going to be the official line  (I Me Quotes) My wife and I met when each of us was dragged to a party we didn’t want to go to by friends. I was coming off a bad injury, but my roommate insisted I get out of the house and be around people. God love our friends; we’ve been together 20 years now!  (I Me Quotes) I mean, all the ratings wars are silly. But, I mean, someone has to be concerned about the ratings because it means, you know, it translates into revenue  (I Me Quotes) Things change all the time, and theyll probably never be the same again. Its just the natural evolution of the human condition. Things change, and whatever it is is what it is. I mean, you try to start second guessing that, you either get rich or die broke  (I Me Quotes) I mean, if you decided to go out today and get you an instrument and do whatever it is that you do, no one can tell you how you’re going to do it but when you do it  (I Me Quotes) I mean, I’m obviously not one of those people who’s so beautiful women take their clothes off when I walk into the room. I didn’t become a star overnight  (I Me Quotes) I looked it at like this way. To get folks to like you, as a screen player I mean, I figured you had to sort of be their ideal. I don’t mean a handsome knight riding a white horse, but a fella who answered the description of a right guy  (I Me Quotes) I’m a gemini, and I get so bored so easily. I mean, I have moved six times in the last eight years  (I Me Quotes) I think that’s the great thing about music: It can communicate emotionally. And you don’t have to necessarily get all of the words. I mean you have to know what is being said, but didn’t you find even if you didn’t get all of the words, you certainly get the emotion?  (I Me Quotes) I mean that what makes me a professional, but the market itself has been fabulous during this whole period and I’ve got to give the market credit before I give myself credit  (I Me Quotes) The awful thing, as a kid reading, was that you came to the end of the story, and that was it. I mean, it would be heartbreaking that there was no more of it  (I Me Quotes) I’m not the type of actor who is trying to do a whole bunch of different stuff, you know what I mean?  (I Me Quotes) Most of the hotel gym’s are not adequate. I mean you might be able to train your arms, but you aren’t going to be able to train legs, back, or even chest if they don’t have dumbbells and benches  (I Me Quotes) The pressures, I don’t really like to think about the pressures, I like to solve them, you know what I mean. I could sit here and complain about pressures but nobody wants to hear about pressures  (I Me Quotes) Sinatra was the biggest influence on my life, my singing career. And rightly so. I mean he was the best singer ever  (I Me Quotes) I don’t want to be that parent that puts my kids into what I think they should be in, you know what I mean?  (I Me Quotes) I’m not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I’m not insane  (I Me Quotes) I mean the only thing that is hopefully good about us is after the arguments we can actually still face each other the next day or the day after and talk about something else and sort of get over it  (I Me Quotes)
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