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I Me Quotes

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I loved the travel but I didn’t love the work. I mean, come on, modelling is only so stimulating!  (I Me Quotes) The embattled gates to equal rights indeed opened up for modern women, but I sometimes think to myself; that is not what I meant by freedom, it is only social progress  (I Me Quotes) I measure in my palm and use my eyes to estimate amounts; a tablespoon is a full palm of dried spices  (I Me Quotes) What do you say to your sister who poses in the nude? It’s not like you are really itching to see photographs of your sister naked. I mean, it’s just something that is not too exciting  (I Me Quotes) I mean, I think I liked every band I ever played in because each band was different, each band had a different concept, and each band leader was different... different personalities and musical tastes  (I Me Quotes) Im not the kind of actress that goes home with the character. I mean, youre thinking about the work or the next days scenes, but not staying in character. But as a film goes on, you become more and more fragile, emotionally. And physically too, actually  (I Me Quotes) I just feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world being able to do what I love and be able to do it all day every day if I like, you know, I mean it’s great, I love it  (I Me Quotes) People come in with business plans and, I mean I know that no one is going to meet everything they say in a business plan but you got to have something to, to guide towards  (I Me Quotes) How I measure riches is by the friends I have and the loved ones I have and the people that I care about in my life, and that’s where my values are and that’s where my riches are  (I Me Quotes) So, as one sees, I by no means deprive my world of stubborn reality, if I merely call it a world of ideas  (I Me Quotes) We need to in this country begin again to raise civil discourse to another level. I mean, we shout and scream and yell and get very little accomplished, but you can disagree very much with the next guy and still be friends and acquaintances  (I Me Quotes) I have the greatest husband. The baby is my main focus right now. We’re both so excited. I mean, this is definitely the happiest moment in my life  (I Me Quotes) Because too many times in life there’s just one person that I met, just one thing that I heard, one movie that I saw, one song that was sung, that changed my life. So I’m always trying to stay awake to be in the moment, and capture the moments when they come, because they come and go all the time  (I Me Quotes) Well, after I had the heart attack, it was a very simple choice. What the doctor told me I did and I did it religiously. I ate nothing but lean turkey breast or chicken breast or a piece of fish that was very lean. I mean I stayed away from everything  (I Me Quotes) Well, you know, I mean, I first did my live shows in the late 70’s and in those days I had a boatload of equipment that always seemed to be going wrong  (I Me Quotes) I don’t know many people, if any, who have had some straight line toward success. I mean, they start here, they work hard, they’ve got what it takes, and they just go straight to the top over some number of years. Most people get a little failure  (I Me Quotes) Its a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are?  (I Me Quotes) When I started finishing games and coming off the field shaking hands, it was a beautiful thing. I mean, you start seeing that you’re an important part of the team  (I Me Quotes) I was so enamored with the idea of being in show business so everything was bright to me. I mean, I didn’t think of it as being tough and things like that  (I Me Quotes) I mean, if you are directing actors to do one thing and then directing them to do something else entirely because the one thing you wanted them to do may not work, then you are just shattering their confidence in the project  (I Me Quotes) I’ll probably stick to comedy for the time being. I mean, a great piece of work is a great piece of work, and I’m up for good work anytime. But I do love comedy!  (I Me Quotes) For the word is dialectical in itself and at the same time is integrated into the whole of existence. By this I mean that the word is intended to be lived  (I Me Quotes) You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before  (I Me Quotes) Honestly, I feel like I am a leading man, and it’s just going to take the right project, the female and the right studio. It’s got to all gel together, you know what I mean?  (I Me Quotes) You would be surprised of films that people just don’t see. You know what I mean? I’m always working and I’m a film buff but I’m an old school film buff  (I Me Quotes) I met my wife by breaking two of my rules: never date a girl seriously that you meet at a nightclub and never date a fan  (I Me Quotes) Number one, I absolutely love making chocolate chip cookies. I mean, it’s fun. It’s exciting. Beyond the fact that I love making them, I love eating them  (I Me Quotes) I don’t think that we necessarily lie. I mean, we make our living by pretending that we’re someone else. I don’t tell tall tales. I always tell the truth  (I Me Quotes) Everybody’s a work in progress. I’m a work in progress. I mean, I’ve never arrived... I’m still learning all the time  (I Me Quotes) I mean a song that’s specifically for the girls. It’s saying you know we talk about them night and day, we’re constantly pondering on men and what they’ve done good and what they’ve done bad and all these things in our lives  (I Me Quotes)
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