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I Me Quotes

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Angels, please help me remember to direct blessings and prayers to everyone I meet today. Please send extra healing energy through me to all my relationships. I ask that each encounter I have bring gifts to everyone involved  (I Me Quotes) To me, it’s always what’s next and I think that’s what drives most very successful people. It’s never about the money. I mean that’s a way of keeping score. It’s about achievement and it’s about winning a game and it’s about upping the ante  (I Me Quotes) The artist must paint as he would speak. I don’t want people to speculate what I mean, I want them to understand  (I Me Quotes) Maybe... in a way, this coffee reminds me of something. Maybe... maybe only a philosopher or a mad man would make this connection, but it’s a little like life. I mean it’s powerful going down and that doesn’t even take into account the aftertaste, which really takes getting used to  (I Me Quotes) If you knew how much information the campaigns had on you, you’d turn off your machines. And I mean that literally  (I Me Quotes) I don’t wanna die, I’m not gonna lie to you I admit that and I’m not asking for clemency, I’m not asking for forgiveness, I’m not asking for sympathy. I know they’re gonna kill me sooner or later. You don’t need to worry about that but there’s a lot of crimes I can solve if the state can just see fit to make me live two or three years longer, I mean look, I know I’m not like other people, I know I can’t feel sympathy for other people but I’m still human  (I Me Quotes) The content people have no clue. I mean, no clue. The cost of bandwidth is going down to nothing. And the size of hard drives is getting so big, and they’re so cheap, that pretty soon you’ll have every song you own on one hard drive. The content distribution industry is going to evaporate  (I Me Quotes) If you are not a skater, you probably can’t imagine what I mean. I could try to tell you by saying it’s a feeling of ice miles running under your blades, the wind splitting open to let you through, the earth whirling around you.It’s a sense of power, of command over distance and gravity, and an illusion of no longer having to move because movement is carrying you  (I Me Quotes) I am sure it has been done with less, but you should be prepared to write and throw away a million words of finished material. By finished, I mean completed, done, ready to submit, and written as well as you know how at the time you wrote it. You may be ashamed of it later, but that’s another story  (I Me Quotes) I suppose I do believe that the greatest art consoles a wound that it creates, that art can give you the capacity to endure and respond to the pain it forces you to feel. Psychological pain, I mean  (I Me Quotes) I don’t travel by airplane. I mean that because when my wife, my kids and I travel on trains or boats, we meet a lot of people and we talk to them  (I Me Quotes) On things like censorship, I think everything should be allowed on television. You know, I mean anything. I don’t know who believes that anymore. Every left wing party says there should be some degree of censorship, that some things are bad taste. But it’s unjustifiable for anyone to decide what is bad taste  (I Me Quotes) Art arises from loss. I wish this weren’t the case. I wish that every time I met a new woman and she rocked my world, I was inspired to write my ass off. But that is not what happens. What happens is we lie around in bed eating chocolate and screwing. Art is what happens when things don’t work out, when you’re licking your wounds. Art is, to a larger extent than people would like to think, a productive licking of the wounds  (I Me Quotes) I mean, the media and bloggers may say otherwise, but in reality I have a lot of fans because I’m the only celebrity that actually takes time out to call them and talk to them. I don’t think a lot of celebrities do that  (I Me Quotes) I am completely honest and truthful when I say I don’t want a gold for myself. I want a gold for the team. You go up there and do it as a collective group and it’s so much more satisfying, I mean you look around and you see the faces and just wow, this was a team effort and we did this together. It’s incredible and that’s my dream. I wanna win a gold medal and see the flag go up, hear the national anthem and just know that I did it with my brothers standing next to me  (I Me Quotes) When you love to run and you train hard enough to really feel it, running is all about freedom. Also, I find that sharing the value of our sport is very important. When I think back on my life, it isn’t the winning that I remember so much, it’s the people who I met through running  (I Me Quotes) I mean, we did feel nervous, starting out, but I wouldnt say it was hard. We just did what we loved and thankfully it worked out for the best  (I Me Quotes) And there’s this place called college! I mean, they want you to care, dig it, care about this education trip, and they don’t care enough themselves to make it as attractive as the crap game across the street!  (I Me Quotes) It’s sort of like a mockery, in a way of reality because they think everything is smiles and sweetness and flowers where there is something bitter to taste. And to pretend there isn’t is foolish. I mean the ones that wander around and know, at the same time, and yet wear flowers, and they deserve to wear flowers. And they’ve earned their smile. You can tell by people’s eyes  (I Me Quotes) It really bothers me when I see people doing my mother in drag. I mean, just imagine if you saw people doing that with your mother  (I Me Quotes) I mean, I take that with the biggest amount of pride there could possibly be because I have so many idols of gymnasts that were before me. I think having perspective now on how hard it is for all of the starts to line up for something like that to happen, I’m just very proud of that moment and that whole atmosphere  (I Me Quotes) This is not the internet the world needs, or the internet its creators envisioned. We need to take it back. And by we, I mean the engineering community  (I Me Quotes) I mean its an obsession, you follow the obsession but at the same time you have so many doubts, you know. Why am I wasting so much money going back to this place, taking more pictures? What’s the point of it? No one cares about it. I think I care about it but maybe I am deceiving myself  (I Me Quotes) I want it to be less about sexuality and more about being comfortable in who you fall in love with. If I meet someone and I like them, I don’t care if they’re a boy or a girl. You should never, ever apologize for anything that makes you happy  (I Me Quotes) There’s been times when I’ve been in really tough shape at the top of the course. Talk about a hard challenge right there. I mean, if you ever tried to ski when you’re wasted, it’s not easy. Try and ski a slalom when … you hit a gate less than every one a second, so it’s risky, you know. You’re putting your life at risk there. It’s like driving drunk only there’s no rules about it in ski racing  (I Me Quotes) Acting can truly take a toll on your nerves. I mean we have to be larger than life. Worse, I’ve seen actors acting off the sets too  (I Me Quotes) I meditate, I do yoga and I have a lot of friends who are healers... And if none of that works, I go by a chocolate bar and a bottle of cognac  (I Me Quotes) I don’t believe in hitting a bad shot and then insisting it’s no big deal. No, you just messed up, so react. I’m not saying you need to throw your club. I mean, take 10 seconds to get angry at yourself, but then start over  (I Me Quotes) Theatre artists are essentially sort of charlatans and thieves, I mean that’s the tradition that we come from, so I have absolutely no, I make no bones about the fact that I steal from here and I take from there, and we all do it, that’s perfectly all right, that’s the nothing, there’s nothing new in the world, there’s nothing actually new in the way that you do something, but the point is is how do you take something and use it to articulate what is essentially a core of any given theatrical production  (I Me Quotes) I mean I’m talking about playing games, about imagining other people, and it’s part of the way that it helps you actually see the world  (I Me Quotes)
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