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I Me Quotes

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Can you control your anger, lust, frustrations, and jealousies? Those are the only people worthy of the higher teachings. By worthy, I mean that they are the only ones capable of it  (I Me Quotes) It had been a great career. I mean, how many guys can say they averaged two points a game in their careers? It’s too bad he’s retiring too soon. The league is going to miss him. The fans are going to miss him. A real classy person and a great guy  (I Me Quotes) What I saw in that country, I saw in that country and I saw people respect him and his family and that’s what I mean about that  (I Me Quotes) Every single movie that I’ve ever done has affected my life; I always feel more changed by a character than I affect them or change them, always. I mean, that’s just kind of the way it is  (I Me Quotes) I hadn’t intended to end up there. I meant to be a serious actor with a beard who wore a lot of black and wanted to share his misery with you  (I Me Quotes) I feel very much a part of what I’m writing about, and I’m writing about things that concern me on a daily basis. I’m not really interested in writing musical diaries, if you know what I mean  (I Me Quotes) Being in a rock band, I feel a certain responsibility to have a weird haircut. I mean, who else gets to do that?  (I Me Quotes) I don’t really have a nemesis, but I have a series of hundreds of small enemies that fuel me. Everyone I meet I assume is out to get me and that fuels my fire on a daily basis  (I Me Quotes) Certain money is not always good money. It could be just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, if you have your priorities in check then for the most part it’s easy  (I Me Quotes) I’m a lucky, lucky man. I mean, the people I surround myself with are so inspiration. They’re so motivational and they’re so dynamic and positive. You really can’t stop that positive force when everything and everyone around you is so positive  (I Me Quotes) Not everything in life can go perfectly according to plan. I mean I didn’t keep every girlfriend I ever had  (I Me Quotes) There are short parts that I as an actor am very right for. Or I just like the part. Or you need someone like me for the movie. By that I don't mean at the box office, I mean in the execution of the material  (I Me Quotes) Your life is what you remember. I mean, some things I wish I still had. But it doesn’t matter  (I Me Quotes) My best friend is the most important girl, outside of family, to me. I met her when I went to college and we bonded immediately. I’d do anything for her at any time. We phone each other every day  (I Me Quotes) I met my wife, I had no money, I had nothing, and I started my family without really, my career was nowhere, but I had these other businesses, I had these things I was doing to be able to afford a small home  (I Me Quotes) I am naive when it comes to love, you know what I mean? I do believe in falling in love at first sight and things like that  (I Me Quotes) I once went to a fraternity house when I was in high school... you know, you would rent them during the summer for really cheap, and students are in there. So I met some people who rented a room. I just remember it being very dirty  (I Me Quotes) Money is just a piece of paper. Money burns. You know what I mean? Money is nothing substantial to me. You know what I mean? It’s the enemy of music  (I Me Quotes) Humor is the only free emotion. I mean, you can compel fear, as we know. You can compel love, actually... But you can’t compel laughter. It happens when two things come together and make a third unexpectedly  (I Me Quotes) Once you know what women are like, men get kind of boring. I’m not trying to put them down, I mean I like them sometimes as people, but sexually they’re dull  (I Me Quotes) I don’t grasp things this early in the day. I mean, I hear voices, all right, but I can’t pick out the verbs  (I Me Quotes) I was photographing every meal I ate, every person I met, every waiter or waitress who served me, every bed I slept in, every toilet I used  (I Me Quotes) A lot of people think that you easily get roles because you do music. I mean, you could knock on the door faster than anybody, but it doesn’t necessarily get you in  (I Me Quotes) I’m less confident now than I’ve ever been. In this peculiar craft, confidence is something you spend a lifetime losing. I used to be frightened only one night a week but now I’m frightened of every performance. I mean really frightened  (I Me Quotes) Curiosity is the only thing that really carries through time, isn’t it? The creative curiosity, I mean, which fights its way into expression?  (I Me Quotes) Only two things are real to me: my love and my death. In between them, I merely exist as a scatter of senses  (I Me Quotes) I might really have gone round the bend. I mean people who get visions and see a gigantic light descend on them from the sky can’t be all there but if so I feel mighty happy. If one is happy and cracked it’s much better than being unhappy and sane  (I Me Quotes) The more people I meet, the farther out of my own little world I go, the more I see that we are all alike. And there isn’t one of us who can afford to pick up the rock in the glass house  (I Me Quotes) Occasionally in my travels I meet people who have pushed too far into the nagual. These individuals are not too balanced but they have made great journeys in the unknown  (I Me Quotes) Nirvana is not really a physical place, although sometimes I talk about it as if it were. It is not really an experience, although sometimes I mention it as if it was  (I Me Quotes)
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