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I Me Quotes

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I want to be a witness to my own time because I’ve had a sneaking suspicion lately that I’m gonna live a lot longer than most of the people I meet. If I’m gonna be the only one still around to say what happened, I’d better pay close attention now  (I Me Quotes) A letter... changes utterly the moment it slips inside an envelope. It stops being mine. It becomes yours. What I mean is gone. What you understand is all that remains  (I Me Quotes) I think that marriage vows should include an escape clause that says the contract is broken if one party ups and makes a big switch in religion or politics or aesthetic taste. I mean, these shifts just aren’t fair, and we need an easier way out  (I Me Quotes) When I get attacked, I always attack back, if I am attacked unfairly. I’ve been attacked many times and I don’t do it back because they happen to be right. I mean, people happen to be right  (I Me Quotes) I think we should have understanding and love and peace. I mean, peace and love has been my situation. You hear that in the song. I’m trying to promote that now: peace and love and understanding  (I Me Quotes) To my friends and people I care about, I’m a really nice guy. No one wants to read a story where I saw a cute puppy on the street and I petted it. I mean, that’s not funny. I only write about the funny stuff  (I Me Quotes) I’m a big music fan, an admirer. But I mean by no means am I about to release an album or anything  (I Me Quotes) I think the policy makers like the idea of being the boss. I mean people who like to boss other people around like to go into politics so they can become the boss  (I Me Quotes) When I got out of school, I spent two years just hitchhiking around. Every time I met some old farmer who could play banjo, I got him to teach me a lick or two. Little by little, I put it together  (I Me Quotes) I think country music is about honesty. Any art has to have honesty to start with, as the core of it. I mean, they’re just going to manipulate you in one way or the other, but there has to honesty at the core of it  (I Me Quotes) If you took all of my money away, I would have it right back. I don’t really care about money. I mean I do but why worry about it because I can make my own money all the time  (I Me Quotes) I don’t want to just be an actor my whole life. I mean I do want to be an actor my whole life but not only an actor, I want to be an artist  (I Me Quotes) I don’t really mind criticism in music or in shows and stuff like that at all. I mean, it doesn’t really worry me even if it’s like out of place. At least it’s relevant  (I Me Quotes) Writing was my real life and I was more at home with the people of my imagination than with the best I met in the objective world  (I Me Quotes) Ruth has friends like other people have wardrobes. I mean that there’s someone for every occasion  (I Me Quotes) I honestly never had the biological need to reproduce until I met my husband. But by the same token, even if we were unsuccessful, we were totally okay with adopting  (I Me Quotes) I don’t want to be throwing the football on the front yard when I’m 75. I mean, I’m not opposed to men doing that. But I don’t think it’s gonna work for me  (I Me Quotes) I am in musical theatre, but it isn’t necessarily what I listen to in my leisure time, do you know what I mean?  (I Me Quotes) I think action movies bring more excitement than tears, but I always want to take it to another level. I mean, I think if one appreciates anything in life to a certain degree, it could possibly bring tears to your eyes  (I Me Quotes) Theres really not much that people can pick on me for my work, so obviously they find other reasons to write something bad about me. I mean, people enjoy reading bad stuff about people  (I Me Quotes) Its nice if people can finally loosen up a little bit and just go out laugh at silliness. I mean, people take themselves way too seriously sometimes  (I Me Quotes) I think I’m doing a service to black women by portraying myself as a sex machine. I mean, what’s wrong with being a sex machine, darling? Sex is large, sex is life, sex is as large as life, so it appeals to anyone that’s living, or rather it should  (I Me Quotes) I’d like to widen my education. I’d definitely like to widen my film range. I mean, I’d love to do some theater  (I Me Quotes) I mean, I do whatever I need to do to get into character. Sometimes it’s being incredibly quiet, and sometimes it’s being loose and goofy  (I Me Quotes) You really have to wonder why we even bother to get up in the morning. I mean, really: Why work? Simply to buy more stuff?  (I Me Quotes) I remember when I met my wife and that she could just grab my hand and I would just ease. I don’t know how to say that but it was one of the coolest things. It was strange, but it definitely changed my life  (I Me Quotes) I try to treat whoever I meet as an old friend. This gives me a genuine feeling of happiness. It is the practice of compassion  (I Me Quotes) Seafood was always my favorite food. I mean, fried lobster? Come on. Once I found out shrimp, scallops and lobster were my allergic triggers, I had to change my diet  (I Me Quotes) I’m so personally attached to all the characters I met and photographed over the years... the anthology is like a photographic reliquary that could potentially preserve their grace, fierce joy, and restlessness  (I Me Quotes) When I was in the gulag I would sometimes even write on stone walls. I used to write on scraps of paper, then I memorised the contents and destroyed the scraps  (I Me Quotes)
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