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I Me Quotes

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If somebody ever says something is a mature theme, it’s bound to not be. I mean, you shouldn’t fall for that. You can make it sound mature, but anything that’s about being mature is pretty immature  (I Me Quotes) I like to have memories of a place. It brings something extra. I’m not even sure what it is. I mean, it’s the same part of it as I like using friends in small parts or people I know or my doorman  (I Me Quotes) When you’re doing an action set piece, it’s very similar to choreography in a way because it’s shot that way. It’s meticulous how it’s rehearsed. I mean, you have no idea  (I Me Quotes) I don’t have to sympathize or empathize with a human being in order to be able to portray them. I mean, some of the greatest roles that actors have been able to play haven’t been the most endearing on screen  (I Me Quotes) I do feel like all the people I meet, all the people I’m in discussions with, if I’m working with somebody, I sense the same energy that everybody is suffering from the same predicament  (I Me Quotes) Human relationships are strange. I mean, you are with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stops  (I Me Quotes) As for men, they will hardly fail one anywhere. I had more visitors while I lived in the woods than at any other period of my life; I mean that I had some  (I Me Quotes) By patriotism I mean the welfare of the whole people, if I secure it at the hands of my opponent, I should bow down my head to him  (I Me Quotes) I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, and that women and women’s bodies are one expression of that sacred being  (I Me Quotes) I’m having a hard time finding a date. I don’t trust any women I meet. I’m very skeptical  (I Me Quotes) I mean, you can’t be less ruthless than the opposition simply because your government’s policy is benevolent, can you now?  (I Me Quotes) I mean, people think I’m too intense for baseball. I’ve always excelled to be the best, no matter what, but it’s like people think something is wrong with that  (I Me Quotes) I met a man once who told me that far from believing in the square root of minus one, he didn’t believe in minus one. This is at any rate a consistent attitude  (I Me Quotes) In my lifetime, I’ve met a lot of people who never rode a wave, but we share the same consciousness. Surfing is a kind of a state of mind... I mean, it’s a feeling that people have about their life that really, in a way, kind of makes them a surfer  (I Me Quotes) I want to show all sides of myself. I mean, I don’t want to howl at the moon my whole life, you know?  (I Me Quotes) The bar exam’s a mother. I mean, for me it was. I failed it the first two times, but I guess it’s like losing your virginity, third time’s the charm  (I Me Quotes) I think a lot of the source of how people are treated depends on the fact if someone recognizes them as a human being or not, you know what I mean?  (I Me Quotes) I think if I were a superhero saving the world, I’d expect at least not to have to pay income taxes. I mean there should be something in it for a hero who risks his life to save mankind every day  (I Me Quotes) There was a period when I was getting a lot of banana bread, because I mentioned someone cooked me banana bread, and then everyone cooked me baked stuff, and I would take it to the hotel, and it was making me fat  (I Me Quotes) I love it when a photographer lets me create my own movement and feeling to the images. By that I mean he doesn’t restrict me in his or her own ideas but rather gives me a direction and lets me work within those boundaries freely  (I Me Quotes) I retired once but you’ve got to have something to retire to and I don’t want to do anything. My job is like a well paid hobby, I mean not a hobby but I’m not lining up every morning at the bus queue to go to work. I’m very lucky  (I Me Quotes) In the birthing process, you come out just realizing how stupid and weak men are! I mean, I might as well not have been in there, we’re useless!  (I Me Quotes) I love the crossbow. I mean it’s just fun. Guns are fun, I can’t deny that shooting guns in movies isn’t fun. But a crossbow is pretty rad  (I Me Quotes) I don’t mind competition at all. I mean, the record business is the most competitive business in the world, probably. So I’m used to that. In a weird way, it kind of makes you work harder  (I Me Quotes) I look in the mirror and I don’t see a sex symbol. I just see a guy who looks like he’s been beaten with a baseball bat. I mean, is this the face of a sex symbol? They say that because I work in the movies  (I Me Quotes) We’re not going to default. We just won’t default. I mean, there are ways of not defaulting even if you don’t raise the debt ceiling, and even if you don’t fund the government  (I Me Quotes) I met my wife when we were 15 years old. I knew within 15 minutes of meeting her, that’s who I wanted to marry  (I Me Quotes) Pointe shoes are torture devices. I mean, ballerinas get used to it, but it was definitely a new experience for me. They feel medieval. I was very happy to stop wearing them  (I Me Quotes) If you meet somebody who says he or she has never dreamed of flying, I don’t believe you. I mean, they’re lying  (I Me Quotes) I don’t get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there’s no rehab for stupidity  (I Me Quotes)
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