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I need to take my pants off as soon as I get home. I didn't used to have to do that. But now I do

I need to take my pants off as soon as I get home. I didn't used to have to do that. But now I do Picture Quote #1

I need to take my pants off as soon as I get home. I didn't used to have to do that. But now I do

Tina Fey, the beloved comedian, actress, and writer, is known for her quick wit, sharp humor, and relatable personality. However, one aspect of her life that many may not be aware of is her newfound need to take her pants off as soon as she gets home. In a recent interview, Fey opened up about this habit and how it has become a necessity in her daily routine.

Fey explained that in her younger years, she never felt the need to immediately shed her pants upon arriving home. She would often lounge around in her jeans or trousers without a second thought. However, as she has gotten older and more comfortable in her own skin, Fey has found that the simple act of taking off her pants is a small but significant way to unwind and relax after a long day.

The comedian joked that she has become a "pants-off, dance-off" kind of person, preferring the freedom and comfort of being pantless in the privacy of her own home. Fey emphasized that this habit is not about being lazy or sloppy, but rather about embracing a sense of liberation and letting go of the stresses of the day.

Fey's fans have embraced this quirky habit, with many taking to social media to share their own experiences of needing to take their pants off as soon as they walk through the door. Some have even started using the hashtag #PantsOffDanceOff in solidarity with Fey and her newfound ritual.
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